Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Compare Diane 35 From Althea


in PowerMILL 9 have been significant improvements made to the Graphical User Interface (GUI) Box for the management of the Block is now able to manage all sizes, it is more simple definition tool conical-toroidal thanks to the automatic parameter selection calcolo.La dragging allows users to select entities' multiple dragging. The selected objects become more shading 'of color more' clear, while those not selected are gray.

selection of the bodies 'more' quick and easy
Users can change
easily block size reduces the potential 'human errors

PowerMILL 9 sees the introduction of new methods for using the tool compensation 2D. The Clearing and 'now applied and defined in forms of strategies lavorazione.Compensazione total radius or wear are managed under the protection of minimum radius. These functions are handled by the machine tool with the G41 and G42 commands:

Animation Wireframe Simulation
Check collision Collision Monitoring machine tool spindle

Developed primarily for trimming of sheet metal dies, you can work a curve PowerMILL9 wireframe 3D according to the right or sinistra.La 3D curve is offsettata in X and Y and Z riamane variable. The Z value is transferred from the initial curve to calculate the toolpath while PowerMILL radius compensation in the tool path.

Users can create and edit geometric profiles starting with wireframe lines, arcs, curves, straight into PowerMILL. The cursor allows you to connect intelligent endpoints, midpoints and intersections. Users can also make snap to grid, add fillets between tangent lines and arcs. More info


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