Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Zimbra Incoming Configuration


FIT The terminal is just a "smokescreen" with which the worthy "union" seeks to convey the tobacco / receivers by the "new bank", which is the real business.
E 'false tobacconists / receivers will be free to decide the fees for the services offered by the "terminal" (as some claim), because Fit, in turn, these services will have to agree with operators that provide them and will grant costs and fees in the tobacco / receivers will be imposed on the remuneration according to the agreements reached. Nothing more nor less than they do today for the services offered by Lottomatica and Sisal.
And how can we possibly deny compensation if this is the result of an agreement between the operator and your union?
As usual, the tobacco / receiver will be allowed the usual choice to accept or reject that service, nothing more.
As I said the real business is the "bank" to which converge all operations including the handling of tobacco products, payments, and movements of exposures through pos. Can you imagine
the flow of money that will pass at that bank? And what good for tobacconists / receivers? And I mean no real advantages in facilitating loans or one percentage point more or less, which does not move one iota the situation.
addition you will be bound, or can you only use it if you open a bank account with FIT (which is at no cost has yet to see why there's black on white). And if one day you do not agree and are more comfortable with the conditions that the bank FIT proposes or maybe there is another bank that offers you more, what are you doing? Close the account and lose all the "advantages" that gives you the FIT or what?
Today among the many services offered that with the compensation higher road tax (€. 1.03 gross operation), the others are 60/70 cents per transaction on average. Because it offers more FIT? Until now, only words, perspectives and abstract enough. FIT
If it were limited to actually do and to mobilize the union because there is returned a 20% premium on the games (which has been stolen in silence "deafening"), and a serious consideration on phone cards, then it would be something really useful for tobacconists / receivers that they would not need to bother and waste time to do service for a few cents and to pay ever higher costs. But not doing so would gain nothing and then it is better a bank and a terminal so you can better control its members by making even the accounts in his pocket and illusion, as always, make a deal!


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Electric Toothbrush Diagram

who is born sheep can not become a wolf ....

Preu They are right to increase the slot, I was in them also increase the levy on winning the lotto, would reduce Agios games, increasing the rental fee and I made up some extra charge to the receivers so that In their opinion, are a privileged category.

All things have occurred in the silence and disinterest of all that if you repeat it again, would occur again in silence and indifference, which seem ridiculous to the usual laments of those who sought it and then shut up, as always, into the fold.

Besides, who does not become born sheep wolf!


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Sympathy Templates For Word

As it turned ...... LONG LIVE THE

I had just finished writing and on time already happened ..... all crying for the decline in the lottery!
was easy to predict, there is nothing special, just read carefully what the receivers write on the forum.
was normal to the considerable drop after the release of the lottery jackpot has already happened and will happen again, is physiological: the increase was not determined by the amount played (the national average from Sisal sources, is €. 3.00 per capita), but the number of players and many people who did not never played against a monteprremi so high, have tried their luck, and let's not forget that many foreigners have made so played. And then the TV has a big hand pointing in the news all the prize money millionaire. Released 6
everything was back to normal, there will still be some tail, but then everything will fall and the lottery will resume its downward trend, as the figures of the last three years.
now people have realized that the lottery is the most unfair game, and it is useless to propose big systems, or study different carat fancy sistemoni that serve only to extort money from chickens without giving the slightest guarantee.
If you think that the combinations to get the 6 are about 624 million, it becomes easy to realize that even a €. 1,000,000 would have a winning percentage of, or about 32%, that is a pittance that does not repay the expense.
If we want to say that if you can place a sistemone the receiver draws a more useful, then it is another thing, but then do not talk about professionalism and customer service because it would only take the piss.
However, apart from any consideration, the tears started again and everyone lived happily ever after!


Friday, October 24, 2008

California Closets Garage Price


On 6 was made on the Lotto!!

Fever the Lotto which had infected millions of Italians and not ended, the temperature has returned to normal and the Superenalotto oblivion with his iniquity and his return will resume its downward course.

During the ride to the 'gold' many receivers have been engaged in abnormally compared to the trend of recent times and have complained about this, not the amount of work increased, but because no one has told them "good" for the 'efforts in this period of crisis and recession (what the hell got to do then just know them).

Lords receivers, which mom did sign contracts Sisal rope, applying canoni e costi da usurai, si sono lamentati perché nessuno ha riconosciuto ufficialmente il loro impegno, per il resto nessun lamento…..anzi.

Qualcuno si è sentito gratificato perché finalmente ha potuto esibire la propria professionalità proponendo sistemi vari e assistenza ai giocatori. Cose ormai dimenticate da tempo, cioè da quando i “signori del palazzo” con varie “innovazioni” hanno ridotto i giochi a squallide lotterie paesane dove si acquista un biglietto qualunque nella speranza di vincere il “prosciutto” messo in palio….senza alcuno sforzo fisico e mentale.

La febbre del superenalotto è passata!! Ora si ritorna al quotidiano, il numero dei giocatori course will drop dramatically, as the proceeds of the receivers, and eventually will have other grounds for complaint.

a long time now the cry has become the main effort of the receivers who, unable to conceive a different world than the four walls of his shop, give vent to their daily frustrations with the perpetual lament ... ... trivial, inconsistent, staff and never intended to something constructive. LONG LIVE THE

6 !!!!!


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Womens Showing The Breast

The discovery of the hot water .... Relaunch of

In the Report on the estimated cash requirements for the public sector and state sector at 31 March 2008, it was reported the data on tax revenues from the gaming industry. Since it is in regard to the collection nettacontrotendenza. If it's cash receipts from games and bets are on the rise compared to last year, tax revenues in the period from January to March 2008, are declining. In detail, there was a decrease of € 605 million over the first quarter of 2007, down from 526 million and 79 million SuperEnalotto Lotto and other games.

Agicos - 10/09/2008 - pa

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
(red.) ROME - While the collection of public games fly, not grow hand in hand the tax revenues from this sector. And 'what the minister said in Parliament Economy Tremonti argument that in terms of revenue has the Monopoli chapter during the period from January to March 2008 an increase in revenue of 63 million attributable to the tax on tobacco consumption, while for the public games there is a reduction of 605 million euro compared to the first quarter of 2007, due mainly to lower income and Lotto Superenalotto (- 526), \u200b\u200bwhile all other games combined have decreased by € 79 million. The data is contained in the Report on the estimated cash needs of the public sector, and an estimate of the cash flow forecast of the state sector at 31 March 2008.
www.agipronews.it - 10 September 2008 at 12:21

For years Co.Na.Ri. denounced the significant shortfall in revenue of the games, drew up tables on the basis of reports from budgets submitted by the operators criticized the falsification of accounts by AAMS, etc.. all things on the site of Co.Na.Ri. and to which nobody paid the slightest attention.
Now it is highlighted by the agencies only because it hurt everywhere are the tax revenues of the state, when in "red" were (and are) the revenue of the receivers do not give anything to anyone ... even to the receivers themselves.
Now someone says, "the fault of the third extraction," "guilty of tax on the winnings; “andrebbe ripristinata la trasmissione Il Lotto alle otto” ecc.
Come al solito si cerca di chiudere la stalla quando i buoi sono scappati; un detto dice “ il senno del poi è la ragione dei fessi” e in questo caso i fessi sono proprio i ricevitori che nella stalla ci sono rimasti comunque sia porte chiuse che a porte spalancate.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Silver Fern New Zealand Tattoo


Se le iniziative di Sisal per il rilancio del Superenalotto, e per giustificare l’estorsione di canoni assurdi, si evidenzia con l’invio di locandine con lo slogan “ La tua vita può cambiare per una pura e semplice combinazione di sei numeri”; allora vuol dire che non c’è più limite to human stupidity!
Sisal has established fees based on age of productivity, but productivity of that? What claims can be produced in a desert land made by choices wicked and unfounded logic. It claims to fertilize the soil with idiotic slogans? O pannicelli hot as the increase in instant win, which are mostly five €?
Then he says to the receivers "you want to pay less rent than do the columns" ... .. why not say as I do? Perhaps threatening the players? O rapendogli any relatives?
Only then could we increase a game that now, in fact, is dead!
In any case, the minimum fee (plus le varie spese ) non trova alcuna giustificazione logica e può solo essere definito una vera e propria “estorsione” derivata dalla posizione dominante e monopolistica di Sisal.
Ma la colpa è solo di Sisal?
Wanna Marchi ha potuto fare quello che ha fatto grazie a persone che le telefonavano e le davano un sacco di quattrini.
La stessa cosa fa Sisal grazie ai ricevitori sempre “compiacenti”; la differenza è che Wanna Marchi è stata giudicata delinquente ed è in galera, Sisal invece è una “benemerita” perché con lei anche lo Stato incassa un bel po’ di soldi!
La solita favola dei “figli belli” e “figli brutti”……..


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Pokemon Red Version Online Multiplayer


Networks friends ": the world of services that tobacco can make available to the public.
Basic services for the citizen who, coming from the tobacco shop in the hours most convenient to him, can not use the small advantage of being able to conclude some of the most "boring" daily tasks without any discomfort, to avoid queues and saving precious time.
This is claimed by boss Giovanni Risso FIT. He's right, in fact it is so, in fact, the city has some advantages (although at higher costs than those charged by post office), can take advantage of times well above those of Post, avoid the queues and so on. They also benefit the "operators" that do not put some of their networks available for free and decided, also in a manner and costs, and last but not least you FIT will recognized their "slice" at no cost and without obligation. And
Tabaccai receivers? Well, for them is a different matter: they will recognize a premium ridiculous (as usual), 50 or 60 cents per transaction, will have to pay the surety bonds (almost all in Ecomap - FIT), will assume all risks with a circulation of more cash in their coffers, must assume the burden of costs, will not have the usual entry in the chapter on management of services, etc.. etc..
course there are the usual who will say that services will bring more people within the business and therefore potential buyers of other properties available. Extemporaneous statements promptly refuted by the facts and that can have a positive response only in those businesses located in large cities or high points in transition and will instead penalize those activities present in small towns or suburbs.
A question however arises: who decides
the fees to be paid to tobacco / receivers?
Who is for them?
Because these "fees" are never discussed again and adequate? Could
these things we should not ever know and no one bothers to clarify?
least for the games there are legal provisions that establish the premiums, for services do not. Surely
FIT has a say in this matter, given the emphasis with which announces the services, then it is likely for her to deal with different operators, of course without the slightest thought to consult their "base" (as would any trade union that called himself that), before deciding on the skin of others.
And lest anyone rebels against this state of affairs and continues to subsidize the FIT subscribing passively accepting the card and services fees from hunger?

So many questions and no answers - or answers rhetorical and trivially DISCOUNT -, the fact is that among the various services it should add another: "the dignity" ... .. would be the most popular because it is free of charge!


Monday, July 21, 2008

How Do I Get Rid Of Black Dots On Desmume

Scratch & win ....

With the increasing propensity to play the Italians, to do business of gold are the state agencies and the dealership owned by De Agostini and Lottomatica ie.
instant lotteries (scratch cards), are the height of success than any other game. Lot
now lose millions of euro per year, mainly due to wickedness of some changes to the gioco più antico ( terza estrazione, lotto istantaneo, estratto determinato, raddoppio delle trattenute sulle vincite, ecc.). Il Totocalcio ormai defunto e appannaggio solo di qualche nostalgico appassionato. Il Superenalotto che, al pari del Lotto, sta lentamente agonizzando e, nonostante gli si sia cercato di ridipingere la “facciata”, resta il gioco più iniquo e con probabilità di vincita estremamente basse.
Ma il gratta e vinci non è mai stato così giocato, forse perché da l’impressione di essere un gioco equo ( cosa che di fatto non è), illudendo il giocatore con piccole vincite riscuotibili subito e con una grafica accattivante che ricorda i cartoni animati che nell’immaginario collettivo are considered harmless and innocent.
Scratchcards are the most destructive and alienating to exist, they are a real trap in which those who fall undergoes a sort of brainwashing and can not do without it.
trap for players, but "goose that lays the golden eggs" for those who manage them (AAMS - LOTTOMATICA).
Who played scratchcards has only two choices: Lottomatica play or not play at all. Lottomatica
courtesy of AAMS has the exclusive of scratch cards, has no competition and should not be measured with a pluralistic market, acting under a "monopoly" assuming a dominant position.
La mancanza di trasparenza è tipica dei regimi monopolistici, infatti non è dato di sapere secondo quali criteri vengono emessi i biglietti dei gratta e vinci; perché le percentuali di incasso variano per ogni tipo di gioco; con quali criteri vengono stabilite le probabilità di vincita; qual è la percentuale fissa destinata ai premi per i giocatori.
Tante domande e nessuna risposta o risposte vaghe e per nulla esaurienti.
L’unica cosa certa è che Lottomatica incassa il 12,70% sul prezzo lordo dei biglietti; percentuale che nel 2007 ha fruttato alla società ben 328 milioni di Euro.
Tutto questo alla faccia delle tanto decantate liberalizzazioni e del “gioco sicuro”.
Con questi presupposti and these figures it is easy to see why the historical games (Lotto, Superenalotto, Pools etc..), are left to die slowly. Scratchcards (and follow the slot), make a lot more at lower cost and power of attraction with a much higher figure. In 2007, the only positive signs, the entire games industry, were data from scratch and from the slot, all the other showed a negative sign, continuing the trend of 2006 and 2005.
In short these games, with their wickedness, but with a high power of "seduction," are "window dressing" that attract (by fraud), millions of people and spills them a great bunch of money in exchange for a sweetener in a while.
The lords of the "palace" and Lottomatica raking in plenty of money without risk and with little expense.
What's even more shameful is that the "theft" is legal: there are laws and provisions to endorse, all for the benefit of only two subjects: AAMS and Lottomatica and to the detriment of the entire community.
If you think that the justification for the third extraction, by AAMS, was that this will discourage people from playing big money on the laggards thus avoiding the creation of strong social harm for families on the facts we realize that in fact he was only going to move AAMS people's interest on the scratch (and slot), which have a higher yield with minimum investment. In the face of "socially useful"!
perplexing behavior of different consumer groups, those that occurred a few years ago were overwhelmingly against the slot (not yet under the "domain" of AAMS), infernal machines that were ruining families, inciting to suicide, those for which many fathers and mothers were stoned capital and sold homes (as they then expressed the various associations). Well, those same organizations where they are now? Why are silent in the face of the phenomenon of scratch cards and the same slot (now blessed by AAMS)?
Maybe they found some "interesting" hidden so now everything is fine?

It 'clear that with the scratch cards and slot receivers also have a nice gain, but gain that compensates the loss of historical games, for which the development of systems and methods of play could express their professionalism and their skills acquired through years of work.
The scratch cards and slots, however, reducing them to a professional mortify those miserable "exchange of money" and an equally miserable "sale of postcards" the counter. Work for which anyone would be appropriate and should not pay heavy taxes and several guarantees that go to fatten the already fat coffers of dealers.
Unfortunately, with morality and honesty are not intellectual prepares the plates and then one must inevitably be subject to the law of god experiencing money in his name, blackmail and harassment of any kind. The indifference and inertia forces them to rebel then turn away without even showing the slightest sign of disgust.


Friday, July 11, 2008

Why Does My Malawi Shake At

to the wise .......... In the face of friendship

- the Council of Ministers appoints a AAMS Raffaele Ferri Director in place of Giorgio Tino
- Conference FIT, Risso: "Agreement with Sisal SuperEnalotto for those who do not have the Lot"
- AAMS: preparing the dramatic return of Antonio Tagliaferri as General Manager of the Games
- Scratch Cards Online: Market Growth with Lottomatica, always leading Microgame
- Betting: the Court of Bologna reopen a CTD Stanley
- Games, Giorgetti (Sottos. Economics): "Strategic combat illegal gambling, we will evaluate Agency Games"
- Games, box offices earlier this week: continue in the negative SuperEnalotto, still riding downhill

These are the arguments, the last month, processed in news ricevitore.net.
interesting topics dealing with the present and the future of most of the receivers.
Topics worthy of interest and study because it is a question of the survival of many activities, topics for which would be worth a debate, a confrontation, express an opinion.

· request payment scf
· Better poker!
· Mediaset Premium a rip-off?
· curiosità GeV numerati
· "Accordo con Sisal per il SuperEnalotto a chi non ha il
· Se e' vero che ci leggete allora.......ce ne...

Questi altri, invece, sono alcuni degli argomenti trattati ( nello stesso periodo), sul forum; con ben 7.155 consultazioni e 207 interventi.

Il tutto si commenta da se, non vale la pena aggiungere altro se non:
“L’Imbecillità è la mancanza della capacità di porsi domande e avere dubbi sui propri programmi di azione, di porli a confronto con quella degli altri e sottoporre anche questi ultimi a un vaglio critico, e quindi di persistere con tetra pertinacia a prendere per buone idee sballate, proprie o altrui.”


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Do Benign Tumors Eat Bone

Ricariche telefoniche: aggio 2% (circa)
Pagamento bollette: compenso €. 0,90
Bollo auto: compenso €.1,03
Sky: compenso €.0,78
Biglietti bus: compenso €. 0,90
Marche da bollo: Contributions 4% premium
Unified: 2.8% premium

Etc. These are the average earnings for most of the services found in tobacco. Some managed to Sisal, others by Lottomatica and Lis, of course, the amounts are gross and should be considered more in the various guarantees, fees, telephone charges etc..
Rather than "net friend" to be called "network jerk" and not do the usual speeches like, "but put all together in the end no money ....." or other things of the same type that have been heard until now to boredom and not wanting to say anything.
Take for example the stamps: the first is completing the form, mail is delivered and retired brands by paying the amount al netto dell'aggio del 5%.
Ora c'è "Lis printer", con la quale fai direttamente le marche e non hai problemi dei "tagli" che spesso in posta non erano disponibili. Una gran bella comodità! Con una piccola differenza: si paga il comodato d'uso della macchinetta, si paga la fidejussione e "dulcis in fundo", l'aggio è stato ridotto al 4%.
A sentire FIT quella della "Lis print" è stata una grande conquista sindacale.....certo! Per lei che con Ecomap incassa la maggior parte delle fidejussioni e poi, la svendita dell'1% di aggio l'ha fatta gratis? Credo propio di no!
E le ricariche telefoniche? Vi ricordate lo sciopero indetto da FIT per le ricariche Wind? Che esito ha avuto? Naturalmente nessuno: Wind, however, has reduced the fees for tobacco and then, later, they did all the other telephone operators, and the FIT did not say anything ..... he kept silent for free? Propio I think not! And
safety campaigns? Even in this conference dealt with the subject, what he got? The agreement with the alarm Beghelli and contribution to the surveillance.
But when a criminal comes in tobacco armed, and maybe we will run away the dead (as has already happened), what are the cameras? To try to identify the criminal, but meanwhile the tobacconist died ..... live ..... the cameras!
And if the tobacco is attacked in the street, maybe while you are going bank or the post office to pay the surety or the Bulletin of the lifting of tobacco, which are used to the cameras or alarm Beghelli?
For years the tobacco claim the item at no cost, no charge for commission that would be more miserable altimenti offer compensation for services. On this
FIT can not hear (or pretend), trouble speaking because of cost ..... if you do not dunk the biscuit FIT does not move.
Now it is proposed to collect the pension on tobacco .... well the flow of cash increases by the happiness of the various criminals who will find the tobacco even more "attractive" and what they invent FIT? The security guard in front of tobacco shops? Or other crap of that kind?
qesto is the union that would protect the tobacco! The union that has hands-on with all operators in the transport of tobacco ecc.ecc.ecc.
"But tobacconists have the exclusive sale of tobacco and this is due to FIT" Of course! otherwise would not exist tobacconists and FIT would no longer reason to exist and what other "friendly network" would be milked? If the offer was adequate
FIT would not hesitate one minute to sell out well in the face of Tobacco sclusiva! As you turn round and round
FIT earns us always and certainly not 20 cents or 2%, but all thanks to multi-million "net friend"!


Sunday, June 22, 2008

How Do Men Know If They Have Hpv

err is human ... to persevere is diabolical!

The continuous changes (Negative) of the games history, the distortion of the other with the famous Bersani Decree, the spraying and the subsequent steady decline, the continuing cost increases, the repeated "blackmail" and the continuing harassment made by the managers with the holy blessings of their lackeys Fit like, STS, Utis and others as appropriate, like flies on shit, have rushed to defend this or that position, all in the name of protecting a category divided than ever, have caused many to try to survive, have tried to diversify its activities with the introduction of various torture and other things of the same type. Others, with the chimera of future promised handsome profits from the usual "sharpers" have made heavy investment on the corner and equestrian sports.
There was the usual rush to get there first, all dedicated to "everyone for himself and God for all" and, later, there was the usual rubbish of this sort of mutual agglomeration heterogeneous ready to do anything to achieve their individual purpose, even enjoying the misfortunes of others.
is right and proper to seek to diversify by entering new services to try to attract customers, the absurd is to do with who you have always used and continues to do so without giving anything. No one who has felt the need to explore new avenues, that no one has bothered to look around, no one che ha pensato di unirsi in gruppo per cercare di ottenere servizi vantaggiosi a costo zero. Eh no, è più comodo farlo con Sisal, Lottomatica ecc. sono già li! E che importa se il compenso per i servizi che offrono è ridicolo ed offensivo, vuoi mettere la comodità?
E’ sempre stato così e continuerà ad esserlo sino a quando questo agglomerato eterogeneo si scioglierà come neve al sole perché ai “signori del business” non servirà più. Con l’avvento del telematico non passerà molto tempo che con un totem dal “pescivendolo” o in qualsiasi altro luogo, chiunque potrà giocare al Lotto, al Super e a qualsiasi altro gioco, al “pescivendolo” gli verrà riconosciuto un minimo ( tanto per lui è un di più che non gli costa nulla ) e il gioco è fatto, per i signori gestori è tutto guadagno con una spesa minima e senza avere la rottura di coglioni di qualche ricevitore che osa persino lamentarsi.
E il ricevitore? Beh potrà sempre continuare a vendere Coca Cola, ad effettuare il pagamento delle multe, dell’Enel, della Telecom ecc. e non dovrà neanche sforzarsi a domandarsi come fare per presentare la domanda di ferie.
Qualcuno si è giustificato dicendo che tanti piccoli granelli di sabbia formano una spiaggia; ma la sabbia non cade dal cielo, si forma dopo erosioni che durano migliaia di anni.
E le professionalità? Ma quali professionalità, non heresies say, just read the forum ricevitore.net to realize that professionalism is dead, with dignity and with the consciences soothed.
today than we can only speak of indifference and indifference.


Friday, June 13, 2008

Maria From Aunt Judys Clip

changing the order of factors does not change the result ... ....

Saviano's book "Gomorra", in the first part, is told as the major brands of Italian fashion pack make their creations by skilled artisans dell'interland Napoletano. All at very low cost and above all in black. It is also explained how the Camorra will be included in the 'business' and how I can manage it with huge profits for themselves and, indirectly, for those marks which are well watched by the report it because it was convenient to them despite the racket produced, even for its own account, using the brands of prestigious brands.
The last wagon wheel of this giant's business lobbies were (and are) hundreds and hundreds of skilled workers for 600 Euro per month for working 12 hours a day in basements and small shops hidden from view of most. These workers are "managed" by small artisans, often unbeknownst to them, are part of the Camorra network that coordinates the whole affair. " The paradox is that the Camorra in all of this plays a "social": employs small business owners who in turn give it to the workers who, although charged with a hunger and a slave labor, good or bad can to run the family. The Camorra is also the "bank" lavishing funding to small businesses at a rate much lower than that charged by the banks 'official'. In this situation all the big voice made the prestigious brand and the racket they receive hundreds of millions of euros pouring a few crumbs to small employers and workers.

Council to read the book by Saviano, or alternatively, please read the new contract of Sisal and analyzed at the same time the real situation of the receivers, there are tons analogies of "Gomorrah" and in many cases I think we are talking to the receivers.
The thing that is causing dismay in the first case, the "mafia" operating illegally in the second case managers act within the law and in the light of day ... .... But the result is the same.


Saturday, June 7, 2008

Colon Carcinoma Aggressive

fire on everyone ......

Before you make pompous speeches on deregulation: one for all "," will be the skills to make a difference, then defend their positions indefinitely, and disgraced my colleagues who have something more. We are angry for not respecting the distance (from the other course), or places where, still others engaged in the activity and would not be eligible. In short, a
continue firing at random in the pile in the hope of hitting someone, but without conviction because in the end the important thing is that nobody can hit you. Now the targets are
Mediatelpoint, PG24, so the COOP. In short, someone gotta take it with you and even threaten complaints. I wonder why no one takes action against those who are truly responsible for these, let's call them "failures." First AAMS nefarious policies that have undermined the games, followed by the various SISAL, Lottomatica, etc. SNAI. Give thanks to the positions enjoyed by the dominant and monopolistic, requiring receivers halter contracts with royalty payments and various expenses worthy of the fiercest of the moneylenders, not to mention the STS, FIT, etc.. that not only protect only its own interests but complicit and guarantors of this whole situation.
Mediatelpoint, PG24, the COOP, etc., have found alternatives and is presumed to be legal, because they operate for some time, alternative they could find receivers even if they do not continue to entrench themselves in their shops ready to shoot anyone who tried to approach
(FIT anyone except of course, STS, SISAL, Lottomatica, SNAI, etc.; this approach not only with impunity, but you come handsomely for a fee), without looking around, never talk to each other except to accuse each other: "you have the Lotto, I do not, you've got tobacco, not me, so on and so .... Another round another race! But the path is always the same!


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Semsame Street Wallpaper

's friend Donato

I just learned of the serious grief that struck his friend Donald.
How many words can spend there is nothing that can soothe the pain of losing a child.
Right now I feel empty of all, everything seems pointless and trivial I would just embrace Donato and his family, in silence without saying anything. A hug of heart


Saturday, May 24, 2008

Kayes Playgroundbikini

AT HOME ......

I'm reading everything and more about the new contract Sisal: who does not sign because it is too expensive, who do not sign because there is inside with fees, because he has made those who signed the accounts and their interests , who signs it spends even less than before, who did not sign because other alternatives, and so on ... ...
not by the merits of the choices made, shall be selected and each is assuming its responsibility for having done so, what puzzles me is the fact that no one enters the substance of the situation, neither does the question of principle and morality of the contract Sisal, anyone who makes a collective discourse. They
accounts only facts and nothing else. Someone said that his house is the one that suits them and not accountable to anyone ... ... anyone else have said that the unions do not give a damn and that he be "entrepreneur" makes the choices in your business (but then FIT & C. foraging maybe because they do not even know how to present the holiday).
These "entrepreneurs" and their motivations is better to stay away, this is that if people see someone attacked in the street turns away because the important thing is it did not happen to him, and if unfortunately (or luck), happens to him and no one intervenes, then it is the first to scream about solidarity, citizenship and so on. No, these "entrepreneurs" it is better to stay away.
The refrain that "every man to his doing what he pleases" is hackneyed by now, what 's the news? It 's always been that way, everyone has always done his cabbages, and tell you more, very often has enjoyed the misfortunes of others if those misfortunes could profit from it.
Most receivers are mavericks, but then pretend to do when it's convenient pack, and soon after, like the bite when it needs it most.
Entrepreneurs? But entrepreneurs who are just "jobbers" who sell products others, decided by others, whose prices are determined by others, the quantity of merchandise to sell is determined by others, and even what they have to earn is determined by others and then turn to these other means may also pick up the balls the goods and the "entrepreneurs" can be found on the floor with your ass!
They have only the "stand" on which the goods and therefore expose themselves as "entrepreneurs" Well done! You do well to say that everyone at home is what he wants, but let us truly a pleasure ... .. stay at home and Spare us the morality of shopkeepers or obtuse utterances of those who think they know we do not understand a blessed bat.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How To Make Ezio's Hidden Dagger

and they all lived happily ever

E 'useless to make so many speeches, it is useless to externalize resentment, it is useless to petty rhetoric, the reality is that most receivers will sign the contract and Sisal enough!
It matters little if they do or believe they are forced by circumstances or otherwise, will sign it.
E 'consideration? E 'discriminating? E 'unfair? It matters little, or really care but does not change one iota the reality of things.
other hand, even in the previous contract Sisal impose a fee, which later became known as "technology package" or "membership fee" little changed in substance, provided €. 108 per month si doveva sborsare e le linee telefoniche sono sempre state a carico dei ricevitori.
Il principio applicato nel contratto attuale è lo stesso, solo i costi sono aumentati, ma il principio è rimasto invariato.
Se poi questi principi vengono avallati anche da pseudo sindacati (STS-FIT), allora ci si deve rassegnare, non c’è proprio più nulla da fare: “prendere o lasciare”, non esiste via di mezzo.
Solo i ricevitori stessi potrebbero cambiare questo stato di cose, ma sono in grado di farlo?
Sono in grado di stracciare tutte le tessere associative (STS-FIT-UTIS ecc.) che fino ad ora hanno tutelato esclusivamente i propri interessi e quelli dei gestori?
Sono in grado di compattarsi e scendere in square one?
are able to practice any form of strike?
I can fight for legal recognition of the category?
I can leave aside their differences and finally talk to each other, subsidiaries and represent themselves?
The answers to these questions are obvious and lie in the historical record so I would say no, the receivers will never be able to change anything.
continue, as always, to grow their own herb garden, to feed the usual "known" and get caught constantly kick your ass ... ... and they all lived happily ever after!


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Home Inspector Salary 2010


fees (even broken down by income groups), the loan for a fee etc. reflections should not be made on these aspects that are just the logical consequence of a situation far more alarming and requires more stringent analysis of the facts.
Sisal, by virtue of winning the lottery contract, he received a de facto monopoly of this game (which it already had more).
Under this monopoly, and the resulting dominant position assumed, Sisal that the "rules" that go in one direction, namely the protection of exclusive and increasing its economic interests, more dangerous that his actions interaction can have a disastrous su molti ricevitori e, di riflesso, sui giocatori.
Basta leggere il nuovo contratto proposto da Sisal: è una lunga sequela di imposizioni, di doveri e di costi tutti riferiti ai ricevitori, ai quali è lasciata un’unica scelta: “prendere o lasciare”.
Tutto secondo il solito e ben collaudato copione.
Ma chi vive di soli giochi come fa a lasciare? E’ costretto ad accettare le clausole capestro di Sisal, nella speranza di poter almeno rientrare dai costi; deve ingoiare per forza il “boccone amaro”.
Sisal questo lo sa bene e anche nello studiare le ridicole quanto aberranti fasce di canone ( i cosiddetti decili), ha fatto bene i suoi calcoli al punto tale che in massimo cinque anni, with only those charges, will return on their investments, not to mention that in the meantime, the game will be revenue for the Sisal true and pure profit.
Under the guise of providing incentives to receivers alleged new game strategies, causes them to produce more to pay less rent. With this nice little game Sisal ensures consistent and profitable revenue, giving up a sop to the receivers insignificant.
She looked good - as it would make more sense - to make a speech of incentives on the premium receivers and that is "the more you produce the more you increase the premium" never! The speech is "the more you produce, and pay less, but always pay it and not gain that is only the prerogative of Sisal.
Someone might object claiming that a major production is a higher gain, it is true but we must bear in mind that the more money you have to pay the costs Sisal you require and how that fee is a minimum of € .800 plus vat at the end are € .960, equal to 1,920 columns lottery in which the receiver does not gain anything but on which Sisal, however, receives its premium.
Now let's say that all the 23,000 points collected (these amendments will be soon), go to the first band fee (€. 8oo + VAT) to cover the costs of fee collection points will produce, for free, 44160000 columns (1.920x23.000), annual Sisal on which will still have its premium, plus €. 18,400,000 + VAT, revenue from fees payable (800x23.000). The calculations of the gentlemen
Sisal them are well made, at the end to their budgets must balance, if those receivers are not important to them in red.
The thing that is left somewhat puzzled as to consider STS Sisal an innovative, fair and reasonable as you arrogate the right to represent the receivers, just as a trade union that STS (at least that is defined) can protect only if itself and the "mother" who bore her, that FIT. FIT
Ah! Then everything is explained (as always), everything has a logic. ... The circle.
In the end it always has been, nothing new, but all over this state of things the receivers are exempt from liability?
Definitely not, the receivers have never been and never will be a category, their short-sightedness and stupidity has allowed anyone to take them with impunity slaps and continue to do so without the slightest expression of a reaction of pride and dignity.
No! It is not the fee, the loan for a fee, the number of heavy taxes. ... Is the self-esteem that the receivers have been lost and it is thanks to this that some people can afford anything against them.
E 'futile shouting "strike," "Not to sign the contract" and so on. , How many times it has been said and the results we can see them.
This is the situation "take it or leave it", the rest is talk, it is ridiculous to continue to poke fun.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sample Dental Office Letters


After the award of the concession Superenalotto Sisal announces new gaming and telecommunications network.
Basically the game does not change if the quotas for the allocation of the winnings and other little things that do not become less certain of what is unfair and that will definitely help make it more palatable.
The steady decline in recent years would suggest to more substantial changes, not just a change of "habit", which in fact is. The new lottery
announced and called "Eurojackpot" is ridiculous when compared with the already proven and disclosed "Euromillions", and if you think that will be played by Sweden and Finland - countries historically disinclined to the game - the outcome of the result is obvious in departure.
The enlargement of the collection points, from the current 18,000 to 23,000, will only pulverize even more the game (Lotto sign).
As for the new terminal "Leonardo", the same is ready for a few years (according to As reported by the same technical Sisal), and was still in storage awaiting allocation of the notice and if the same had not been won by Sisal, on terminals now we would have been written "Snai" or "Lottomatica" or anybody else won the invitation.
The real change is the substantial fees paid by receivers that are linked to productivity and the same goes from 800 to 2,000 euros per year and, of course, costs related to telephone lines and so on. Virtually receivers will make a payment to a Sisal "piecework".
With this "real" change and the expansion of the network is Sisal ensure the return of investments, in a very short time, the rest is pure profit compared with a dummy and a change in business risk to zero.
But let's be realistic! The Superenalotto
month after month has consistently negative in the collection and Sisal which is to launch it again? Increases clearance points, increases the amount of the percentage of winnings of low-end (a three from the current € 10.-About-can win, how much? € 20.), But with the same formula of play the odds will always be the same and it will not be the choice of Superstar to encourage the players.
The new terminal! Players who cares the new terminal? For them it does not change nothing.
The massive advertising campaign! On what? On an old product, unfair, to which players are gradually moving away?
But let's be serious! This would be the renewal of the lottery? And let us not come the same old joke of "dead wood" to root out, because in the end those who stay and pay enough. In some ways
Lottomatica behaved more "serious": she has renewed the Lot (not within the substance of findings); changed the terminals, has changed the telephone lines, has invested in advertising and so on .... But to the receivers did not pay anything more!
So what? There are more fools or more serious?


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Black Man Genital Warts

Chronicle of a Death Foretold

After reading the data from the Lotto, Slots and all the other games would be easy to say "I told you so", but that does not move the problem. For some time the Co.Na.Ri. issued and published tables of data from which it noted the slow and inexorable decline of the games, which now fall in the official organs confirmed. Of this have been noticed (as if they knew ...) and that Lottomatica and Sisal they do? They call on the receivers to increase the volumes of play to achieve certain goals (set by them) in exchange for promising prizes and various crap. Also make calls to the receivers for their reporting of targets and to spur them to do more, as if the decline of games depended on them. These gentlemen forget that for law to promote the game is up to them and not to the receivers to customers who only need to advertise the promotions made by the operator. This is another cowardly way of not taking responsibility for their choices had nefarious or complicity in supporting the choices made by AAMS. So they can always say that if you have not obtained certain numbers is the fault of the receivers who do not have enough incentive to play.
FIT is doing the same thing with tobacco, send text messages reminding not to sell cigarettes to minors. Certainly there will be tobacco shops that do it but most observe the rules, but FIT, in anticipation of a possible liberalization of the sale of tobacco products, attempts to spring up the ass so he can always say that the possible loss of the exclusive fault of tobacconists selling cigarettes to minors, both she and the current state of things with his hands in dough "fine" company business can well do without the contribution of Tobacco; get what he wanted he got so who cares of Tobacco.
However, despite all glad to hear that the receivers do not break down in front of everything "so we are betting and scratch cards" and then there are also services: the telephone cards, stamps car, the payment of fines , Enel and so on. and then you can always install a distributor of snacks or drinks ... .. and that's it ... what's the problem?


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Telephone Wire Burial Grade

So much the same .....

One day a hare saw a crow on a branch apollaiato and asks: "Hello Raven, what do you do?". And the crow answered: "A cock." And the hare, " Why, do not you get bored? ". The Crow:" No it is very enjoyable and rewarding, you should try too. "So the hare, curiously, he sits at the base of the tree and start not doing shit! Shortly after passing there's a fox, and you eat the hare.
Moral: do not for a dick .. You must be seated very high!

you ask what does all this with the receiver is a blog dedicated to them.
has nothing to do absolutely nothing, absolutely nothing, but both receivers can tell anything, so much the same.
You can say important things or huge crap so the intellectual level of reception does not move one iota by continuing to remain at the same level of a flat encephalogram.
E 'futile attempt to involve them in something important or try to make them understand the gravity of certain situations, would not pretend to understand all of the remaining indifferent.
you'll hear the usual phrases "What can we do?" “chi ci guiderebbe?”, “ho una famiglia da mantenere” o addirittura “la FIT non mi ha comunicato nulla”, e così via; anni e anni di duro impegno e di professionalità spese al mantenimento di uno stato di indifferenza e di ignoranza totale.
Tutti pronti a prostituirsi per pochi spiccioli salvo poi piangersi addosso quando le cose non vanno come vorrebbero; tutti pronti a correre a firmare la prima cazzata che gli viene proposta per poi lamentarsi dei costi elevati che gli mangiano gli esigui guadagni.
Tutti pronti a definirsi grandi professionisti per poi vantarsi di vendere un’infinità di gratta e vinci ( alla faccia della professionalità ), “si ma il guadagno è tanto commitment is not "... .. very true! Fill yourself but not his mouth with his professionalism. The same applies to the slot, but then they complain because the Chinese empty.
now the arguments are just that: the slots and scratch cards and in fact are the only two items that have a surplus in the world of games, everything else has a negative sign and do not give a damn to anybody because nobody talks about it and nobody cares. Does any
is committed to the category you are really committed, because we believed and did so in an unselfish way to spend time and money to try to change things, to finally make the receivers players and in return got the usual stops indifference.
When you are born "sheep" you can not die "wolf" when the IQ stops at the door of his shop is useless to tell the world that there is outside. They are right
Stefano Elio Frisian and Samson when they say that nothing has changed and that is just wasted time, have reason to sell ... .. not worth it!
Just take a ride in the post ricevitore.net to understand the "level" and to believe that ... just the same!


Thursday, April 10, 2008


As always .......

Ricevitore.net The forum post you read about the orientation of the receivers to vote:
"You who would you vote? Berlusconi or Veltroni "or" we hope that guy gets elected, "we hope to be elected foo", etc..
It sounds very funny and, in some ways, ridiculous.
But what changes to the receivers if the government goes Berlusconi or Veltroni? Absolutely nothing at all, perhaps the subject of complaints and whining, but in practice would not change anything.
Or, rather, any changes there may be and to be operated from anywhere in the receivers would remain inert and passive as ever.
many governments have changed? There have been many upheavals on games? And what has changed in the usual receivers ?.... nothing!
Votes continued to complain (as usual), continued to cry on (as usual), continued to blame the faults now this now that (as always), continued to dichiarasi "sacrifices" of the interests of the usual lobbies (such as always) and, finally, they have passively accepted everything (as always) adapting to the circumstances of the moment (as always) Fuck everything and everyone (as usual), waiting for someone else to take any action that, as always, were ignored by all.

Now read post on the political expectations of the receivers is almost tender.


Monday, March 31, 2008

You Man Breast Feeding Vidio


From the above data (source AAMS) states that the entire sector "games" is based almost exclusively on the Scratch & Win and Slots.
fact these are the only two positive entries in the table, all the others are the hyphen.
Despite this, the total tax revenues is up by 7.1% and this is enough to claim victory AAMS and its strategy, defined by the same body, winning.

For operators, however, these data should make us think, should highlight how the professionals are mortified exclusively for the benefit of profit and economic interests of the various "lobbies" which hold the concessions.

The receiver as such is intended to gradually disappear, to become a "money changers" (if this is not the automatic), a "rubber-stamping" and so on.
And all this is added the fact that will not (as has not yet), no decision making on corporate strategies.
This leads, inevitably, the accentuation of the power managed by the various dealers, with the complicity of the AAMS, operating real "blackmail" like "you want the corner? You have to put my slot, "and in a little ', "the Superenalotto want? You have to put my slot, "and so on.
I should not wonder if similar "strategies" were soon applied also on "scratch"!
The traditional games such as Lotto, The Pools, the Tris etc. Professionalism of those games where the receiver is crucial, where the relationship is established directly with customers - nearly custom - no longer interested in the "lords of the palace" that In fact, with a series of targeted measures (third extraction, increased the deductions on your winnings, etc..), they made sure that people constantly move away from those games (and the data are clear about this) diverting their attention on the Scratch & Win and Slots.
Those games where the chimera of instant win game and without mental effort, create a relationship of dependency that will not be able to do without.
The alarm on social issues related to gambling reflects the widespread perception of the growing seriousness of the problem. The massive invasion of slot machines, the huge growth of the legal opportunities to gamble ("Scratch") feeds the vain hope (the-Ludere-enter the game) of many, and we know that the second half of Hope is often called de-illusion (always referring etymon- out of the game-). But at the same time, it is evident unthinkability to intervene on issues related to gambling through prohibitionist perspective, (the idea of \u200b\u200boutright banning many forms of gambling as well as be extremely unpopular would deprive the state of substantial economic resources to see that revenues for the game are a real form of taxation in parallel.). If we consider the problem of a compulsive gambler in analogy to the problem of addiction is clear that the "drug dealer" would be more important than the state itself, so that should go first to the dock, the player's mind that would fall into disrepair (and all the effect is) the person to help. We also know that social policy of strict prohibition, they do but the development of alternative circuits illegal immigrants.
And it is precisely this that the State "play" not for nothing that AAMS's slogan is "fair play", but despite all the clandestine game has not diminished, in fact, criminal organizations have even entered the so-called "fair play" .

But back to the receivers.
receivers, as always, they follow the wave, the exclusive interest of the workshop: "scratchcards make most of the Lotto? Well! I sell more scratch! "But the professionalism? The development and deployment of systems? Who cares! A less effort, with the scratch cards earn more and work less!
Verissimo, if they make a decision like that and it is in some respects, it is also rightly so, in the end is the result that counts.
but I can not explain why many receivers complain about the decline of Lotto, the Super and the other games, just sell the scratch cards and keep a couple of slots to compensate for the losses and even to earn more with less effort.
But in the end who really are the receivers?
can safely be called the "serf"

Servitude of serfdom was a judicial figure that tied the peasants to a specific plot of land (serfs, in Latin, it is the " sod " land) . The serfs cultivated the funds that belonged to the landlords, paying a rent . They were also to pay tenth (if the owner was part of the clergy or was a ecclesiastical entity ) and were obliged to provide certain services work ( corvées ). The serfs were such birth, and could not (legally) to avoid that condition without the consent of the owner of the land. In connection with the work for the clearing of new lands, often gave the owner who shall bear the burden of moving to new areas in particular freedom ( deductibles ) And privileges: hence the name "Villafranca" given to many places.
services to which the serfs were required, it should be noted, unlike
slavery did not have a generic, but they were precisely defined. Moreover, the serfs, unlike slaves, were not considered " things " but people were entitled to Private , though limited to goods mobile, they could marry, have children to whom to leave a ' legacy . The feudal was not entitled to the life of a serf but could be sold with land on which he had the right and duty to remain.

me the similarities are clear, and, above all, very contemporary.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Cover Or Uncover Lasagne During Baking

The new "Monsters"

Pursuant to the Decree of the Ministry of Economic Development, 11 .3.2008 prohibited the sale of cigarette lighters without child safety.
who contravenes these provisions is a criminal offense with the application of a fine from €. To € 10,000. 50,000 and by imprisonment up to one year.
Finally we discovered that the real criminals are not just pedophiles that after a few months out of jail for abusing other children, not only are the exploiters of child labor, who enslaves the bambili begging or prostitution.
The news is full of these episodes but not as prisons for those who committed them.
Now we have the new "MONSTER": the tobacconist! This horrible person who sells products with the "announcement of death" (with the approval of the state that collects billion), which sells lighters that can be dangerous for children.
For these new "monsters" the state provides for severe penalties .... right, the children must be protected, but the tobacco does not sell lighters to children, if anything, their parents and why they do not have any responsibility if leave these items at the mercy of their children at risk of getting hurt?
And the matches? Are potentially more dangerous than lighters but they will not be any safety standard, the same could be said for the detergents to medicines, for cutlery, tools for gi ..... and the list goes to ' infinity. For all is left to the conscience and the prudence of good parents supervise for their children not come into contact with dangerous objects, and certainly not in one house are missing.
for lighters instead, the sole responsibility of the tobacco, it is he who can go to jail if he sells a lighter and not under the ridiculous thing is that it would suffer everything to get it sold to an adult who could carelessly around and let his son could potentially hurt phases.
Congratulations! Finally, the safety of children is really protected!