Thursday, April 10, 2008


As always ....... The forum post you read about the orientation of the receivers to vote:
"You who would you vote? Berlusconi or Veltroni "or" we hope that guy gets elected, "we hope to be elected foo", etc..
It sounds very funny and, in some ways, ridiculous.
But what changes to the receivers if the government goes Berlusconi or Veltroni? Absolutely nothing at all, perhaps the subject of complaints and whining, but in practice would not change anything.
Or, rather, any changes there may be and to be operated from anywhere in the receivers would remain inert and passive as ever.
many governments have changed? There have been many upheavals on games? And what has changed in the usual receivers ?.... nothing!
Votes continued to complain (as usual), continued to cry on (as usual), continued to blame the faults now this now that (as always), continued to dichiarasi "sacrifices" of the interests of the usual lobbies (such as always) and, finally, they have passively accepted everything (as always) adapting to the circumstances of the moment (as always) Fuck everything and everyone (as usual), waiting for someone else to take any action that, as always, were ignored by all.

Now read post on the political expectations of the receivers is almost tender.



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