Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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: Far say to our computer all you want Text to Speech mode (robotic voice)

voce Often that in many videos in youtube , we see celebrities talking robotic voices, modified by users, or hear the audio books speak with a robotic voice very nice.

How these items are produced or modified?

simple, as vocele synthesizer, the process is really simple and fast, just very little to say to the famous actors of a video all you want, or create custom audiobooks.

On the web there are many available voice synthesizers , but now we see in detail Eloquens.

Eloquens, is a free program that acts as vocele synthesizer that allows you to say to our computer PC with a robotic voice, and grazie alla modalità TEXT TO SPEECH   tutto quello che vogliamo .

La modalità TEXT TO SPEECH in pratica permette di riprodurre vocalmente il testo scritto all’ interno del programma dall’ utente.

Come si utilizza Eloquens:

Molto semplice da utilizzare,basta scaricare il file dal link a fondo pagina, ed avviare il programma, che non ha bisogno di installazione diretta ( quindi può essere anche caricato su una pennina USB e utilizzato in qualsiasi postazione PC );

Il software si pèresenterà con un interfaccia abbastanza semplice ma molto diretta (vedi fig 1)



pane, highlighted by red, type the text that we want to be repeated Pc by ;

Once written regulate veocità read audio and tone of voice acting on the sliders shown by the color green to blue for the speed and tone;

Now we can hear our message repeated by the computer by clicking the heading LAWS (Pink color).

now under tone and speed of reading hear about our PC and read the message written by us. A software

very nice, which can be used for various purposes, create audiobooks, or dub videos in youtube, or use it for many other purposes.

Conclusion: An excellent software

player entries to try free.

Download: Download Free Eloquens


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