Sunday, August 30, 2009

Respiration Of Germinating Peas

Per non dimenticare.....

For a lost love
of Allan Riger-Brown

Maybe I forget.
The passage of time will help you:
other eyes, other smiles
startled awake in your heart.
Another sun will warm up.
More rain, more tears bathe your face.
Other breezes will blend with your

sighs And I'll no more for you than a name, a shadow.
Or maybe one day, when looking
you yet sunk his hands in life, when you finally

convinced that is who you are inside you,
not outside, not in the most beautiful bodies,
not the most beautiful landscapes flavors fragrances,
but inside you, then perhaps

remember me and know that what you saw in the mirror my eyes
was that hidden place.
What unveiled a moment together
was ourselves.
It was the jolt sweeter, more true.

My small unattainable love
of Fernando Biondi

I met along the river,
not know my name nor

my breath and my heart beats,
dance like a leaf

transported by a light breeze,
as slipping on
sweet notes of a violin, played together
the game of life to the game of
'love, you forgot

open the door tuo cuore
e sono entrato,
e adesso devo,
uscire in silenzio
dalla porta di servizio,
prenderĂ  un altro
il mio posto,
vorrei odiarti ma non ci riesco,
mio piccolo irraggiungibile amore
resterai per sempre in un angolo
della mia parte che ricorda

Chiedo scusa per il post fuori tema...
Credo che starĂ² assente per un po'.....

Un saluto a tutti i lettori,

- - - - - - - - - -

edit 4-set-09

Add this video .. thanks to perinick89


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