Alex Lippi is a man whose profession upsets reports of women in love the wrong man. Along with his sister Melanie and her husband Marc is paid by customers who want an end to these problems passions. Each engagement succeeds until the crew of Alex is responsible for a mission that is more complicated: support and Juliette win in just ten days and derail her upcoming wedding. But this time she does not let any weakness ... Comedy
fresh, lively, dancing. The trio involved in the failure of the love story is unerring accuracy of a machine that calibrates to perfection every possible joint and triggers reactions cause and effect in the sacrificial victim who, exactly, falls at the feet of the charming Alex. All timed to the fraction of a second, romantic landscapes as rare birds flying over sand dunes (just released from an aviary), an appropriate phrase such as 'you deserve better', a past memory tied to a thunderous cry and success is assured. Romain Duris
unusual interpretation of that with a Latin American look (long hair and bushy beard) and jokes, it becomes unrecognizable to those who had seen the gaunt, pale and unshaven in Paris or torn by the dilemma in The Beat my cuore. Eccolo adesso: camaleontico, caleidoscopico, bluffatore credibilissimo, crudele rovistatore della psicologia femminile alla ricerca del lato debole che farà cedere le donne alle sue finte avances. Eccolo a flambare dietro i fornelli di un jap fusion, alle prese col curling in una pista di ghiaccio, a cantare a squarciagola uno spiritual in perfetto stile Sister Act. Gli resiste Juliette, interpretata da una languida e tozza Vanessa Paradis che non ne vuol sapere di avere una guardia del corpo alle calcagna, soprattutto se sembra un grissino. I tentativi di seduzione inizieranno con un roquefort trangugiato al mattino e alterneranno valzer di Chopin al leggendario pezzo degli Wham ‘Wake me up before you go go'.
Entrerà in gioco anche l'indimenticabile Patrick Swayze and pitch, even if you've never thrown in a split, the temptation to fly away in a dance sequence from Dirty Dancing to be uncontrollable.
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