Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Frequance De Chanel On Tv

[GUIDA] Installare VLC 0.9.9a su Ubuntu 8.04

Today I offer a guide to interesting upgrade from version 0.8.6 of VLC present by default on Hardy to 0.9.9a.

First edit the file sources.list typing in a terminal:

sudo gedit / etc / apt / sources.list

in at the bottom of this file by typing the following lines:

# # VLC deb

hardy main then save and exit.

Now we can do is add the key to access the repository you just entered, to do this you must type in a terminal: sudo apt-

key adv - recv-keys - keyserver 7613768D

and then throw a nice:

sudo apt-get update

If you already have VLC installed on your Ubuntu-box is sufficient to perform the upgrade, otherwise clean installation type:

sudo apt-get install vlc


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How Many Restyl 1 Mg Tabs Can Kill A Person

Confronto fra distribuzioni: Phoronix benchmark

After more than 20 days absence I return to public office this interesting article from Phoronix and oneOS , unfortunately at this time do not have much free time to blog ..

Happy reading!

Phoronix has compared the performance of four Linux distributions: Ubuntu, Fedora, openSUSE and Mandriva.

Phoronix, started from the basic version and tried to standardize the environment by installing the latest kernel respective Web repository, the latest software available. Objective? Align the distributions to a Linux environment 2.6.31, GNOME 2.27.xe X Server 1.6.x

Il PC utilizzato è un Intel Core 2 Duo (4.00GHz) montato su una scheda madre ASUS P5E64 WS professional. A questo è stato aggiunto una RAM da 2GB DDR3, un Hard Disk 160GB Western Digital Serial ATA 2.0 e una scheda grafica ATI Radeon X1800 da 256MB .

L’articolo illustra i risultati dei test e consente di verificare come si comportano le distribuzioni nei diversi benchmark. Phoronix alla fine non decreta un vero e proprio vincitore ma fa notare come tra le diverse distribuzioni quelle che sembrano più performanti sono Ubuntu e openSUSE , con la prima leggermente in vantaggio. Fedora Mandriva and do not seem competitive. What do you think?


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Encouraging Cristian Quotes

Gestione aziendale su Ubuntu

After a week of stalemate, I start to write some interesting article (for just as it will leave Thursday for the sea and then I will jump to Umbriajazz ..)

taken from MondoInformatico :

Who is looking for a free management, which is expandable with more than 500 add-on modules, multilingual, also be installed on Ubuntu / Linux may remain on the study of OpenERP . This management, in fact, besides allowing you to manage the accounts of small e medie aziende, permette anche di gestire le risorse umane, integra una completa gestione del magazzino, della produzione, delle campagne di marketing.

I report di stampa sono personalizzabili tramite la suite OpenOffice ed è possibile creare un e-commerce tramite l’apposito modulo. Il software, liberamente scaricabile dal sito di OpenErp , è realizzato in Python ed è installabile sia in ambiente Windows che in ambiente Linux .
