Sunday, June 22, 2008

How Do Men Know If They Have Hpv

err is human ... to persevere is diabolical!

The continuous changes (Negative) of the games history, the distortion of the other with the famous Bersani Decree, the spraying and the subsequent steady decline, the continuing cost increases, the repeated "blackmail" and the continuing harassment made by the managers with the holy blessings of their lackeys Fit like, STS, Utis and others as appropriate, like flies on shit, have rushed to defend this or that position, all in the name of protecting a category divided than ever, have caused many to try to survive, have tried to diversify its activities with the introduction of various torture and other things of the same type. Others, with the chimera of future promised handsome profits from the usual "sharpers" have made heavy investment on the corner and equestrian sports.
There was the usual rush to get there first, all dedicated to "everyone for himself and God for all" and, later, there was the usual rubbish of this sort of mutual agglomeration heterogeneous ready to do anything to achieve their individual purpose, even enjoying the misfortunes of others.
is right and proper to seek to diversify by entering new services to try to attract customers, the absurd is to do with who you have always used and continues to do so without giving anything. No one who has felt the need to explore new avenues, that no one has bothered to look around, no one che ha pensato di unirsi in gruppo per cercare di ottenere servizi vantaggiosi a costo zero. Eh no, è più comodo farlo con Sisal, Lottomatica ecc. sono già li! E che importa se il compenso per i servizi che offrono è ridicolo ed offensivo, vuoi mettere la comodità?
E’ sempre stato così e continuerà ad esserlo sino a quando questo agglomerato eterogeneo si scioglierà come neve al sole perché ai “signori del business” non servirà più. Con l’avvento del telematico non passerà molto tempo che con un totem dal “pescivendolo” o in qualsiasi altro luogo, chiunque potrà giocare al Lotto, al Super e a qualsiasi altro gioco, al “pescivendolo” gli verrà riconosciuto un minimo ( tanto per lui è un di più che non gli costa nulla ) e il gioco è fatto, per i signori gestori è tutto guadagno con una spesa minima e senza avere la rottura di coglioni di qualche ricevitore che osa persino lamentarsi.
E il ricevitore? Beh potrà sempre continuare a vendere Coca Cola, ad effettuare il pagamento delle multe, dell’Enel, della Telecom ecc. e non dovrà neanche sforzarsi a domandarsi come fare per presentare la domanda di ferie.
Qualcuno si è giustificato dicendo che tanti piccoli granelli di sabbia formano una spiaggia; ma la sabbia non cade dal cielo, si forma dopo erosioni che durano migliaia di anni.
E le professionalità? Ma quali professionalità, non heresies say, just read the forum to realize that professionalism is dead, with dignity and with the consciences soothed.
today than we can only speak of indifference and indifference.


Friday, June 13, 2008

Maria From Aunt Judys Clip

changing the order of factors does not change the result ... ....

Saviano's book "Gomorra", in the first part, is told as the major brands of Italian fashion pack make their creations by skilled artisans dell'interland Napoletano. All at very low cost and above all in black. It is also explained how the Camorra will be included in the 'business' and how I can manage it with huge profits for themselves and, indirectly, for those marks which are well watched by the report it because it was convenient to them despite the racket produced, even for its own account, using the brands of prestigious brands.
The last wagon wheel of this giant's business lobbies were (and are) hundreds and hundreds of skilled workers for 600 Euro per month for working 12 hours a day in basements and small shops hidden from view of most. These workers are "managed" by small artisans, often unbeknownst to them, are part of the Camorra network that coordinates the whole affair. " The paradox is that the Camorra in all of this plays a "social": employs small business owners who in turn give it to the workers who, although charged with a hunger and a slave labor, good or bad can to run the family. The Camorra is also the "bank" lavishing funding to small businesses at a rate much lower than that charged by the banks 'official'. In this situation all the big voice made the prestigious brand and the racket they receive hundreds of millions of euros pouring a few crumbs to small employers and workers.

Council to read the book by Saviano, or alternatively, please read the new contract of Sisal and analyzed at the same time the real situation of the receivers, there are tons analogies of "Gomorrah" and in many cases I think we are talking to the receivers.
The thing that is causing dismay in the first case, the "mafia" operating illegally in the second case managers act within the law and in the light of day ... .... But the result is the same.


Saturday, June 7, 2008

Colon Carcinoma Aggressive

fire on everyone ......

Before you make pompous speeches on deregulation: one for all "," will be the skills to make a difference, then defend their positions indefinitely, and disgraced my colleagues who have something more. We are angry for not respecting the distance (from the other course), or places where, still others engaged in the activity and would not be eligible. In short, a
continue firing at random in the pile in the hope of hitting someone, but without conviction because in the end the important thing is that nobody can hit you. Now the targets are
Mediatelpoint, PG24, so the COOP. In short, someone gotta take it with you and even threaten complaints. I wonder why no one takes action against those who are truly responsible for these, let's call them "failures." First AAMS nefarious policies that have undermined the games, followed by the various SISAL, Lottomatica, etc. SNAI. Give thanks to the positions enjoyed by the dominant and monopolistic, requiring receivers halter contracts with royalty payments and various expenses worthy of the fiercest of the moneylenders, not to mention the STS, FIT, etc.. that not only protect only its own interests but complicit and guarantors of this whole situation.
Mediatelpoint, PG24, the COOP, etc., have found alternatives and is presumed to be legal, because they operate for some time, alternative they could find receivers even if they do not continue to entrench themselves in their shops ready to shoot anyone who tried to approach
(FIT anyone except of course, STS, SISAL, Lottomatica, SNAI, etc.; this approach not only with impunity, but you come handsomely for a fee), without looking around, never talk to each other except to accuse each other: "you have the Lotto, I do not, you've got tobacco, not me, so on and so .... Another round another race! But the path is always the same!
