Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wher Can I Find Mazacam

There are basically two types of mix-design: simple and complex.
The mix-design is simple when it is necessary to identify the composition of the concrete if you know the following three requirements that constitute the basic elements for each mix-design also the second Technical Regulations for Construction issued by the Ministerial Decree of 14 January 2008 *: •
class resistance → resistance characteristic (Rck) to be converted into a / c if you know the type of cement;
the consistency class → workability;
the diameter of aggregate (Dmax) available → compatibility with the concrete cover.
The mix-design is complex when, in addition to these three requirements, there is at least one additional feature (usually the durability) which involves giving the material.
From a practical point of view, since the recent legislation reported in the Technical Standards for Buildings issued by Ministerial Decree of January 24, 2008 provides that the project has always indicated the exposure class **, the only possibility for the existence of a simple mix design can be adopted only in X0 class buildings with exposure for which there is no constraint on the achievement of the durability (indoor environment of the rain).

The mix-design, project literally the mixture, and the procedure for calculating the composition of the concrete (in terms of quantity of cement, aggregates and water per m3 of concrete), from:

a) le proprietà ingegneristiche del materiale indurito (resistenza meccanica, modulo elastico, ritiro, scorrimento viscoso, durabilità, ecc.), quali risultano dall’esigenza del progetto dell’opera;

b) le esigenze esecutive (lavorabilità, organizzazione del cantiere, modalità di getto, ecc.);

c) i materiali disponibili (tipo di cemento, di inerti e di additivi).

L’accumulo di dati consolidati in oltre un secolo di esperienza sull’impiego del calcestruzzo consente di calcolare preventivamente la composizione della miscela partendo dai requisiti technical specifications. There are, in essence, a series of established correlations between the properties required of a part (mechanical strength, shrinkage, creep, durability, etc..) And the composition of the concrete part (water / cement ratio, aggregate / cement mixing water, etc.).. These correlations can be expressed from time to time in the form of equations, graphs or tables, are:

● water-cement ratio (a / c) which is the basic parameter - as well as the type of cement - in determining mechanical behavior, and resistance to environmental aggressions (durability);

● the choice of the basis for type (sand or crushed) and size (diameter) is of fundamental importance - as well as additives that change the workability of the fresh - to determine the water demand of concrete and have a significant the dosage of cement and the aggregates that: reduce the water - through a combination of aggregate and additive - logically means to reduce the cement content (with the same a / c) and then increase the volume of aggregate (with the same workability), with extraordinary benefits on the dimensional stability of the structure (in terms of lower drying shrinkage and less creep) e sul costo del materiale;

● il dosaggio di cemento è quindi la conseguenza logica dell’analisi sopra menzionata che consiste nel tramutare le esigenze ingegneristiche (resistenza meccanica, durabilità e lavorabilità) in una composizione del calcestruzzo. Esso, pertanto non può essere prefissato a priori da specifiche tecniche, con conseguenze talvolta disastrose fin dall’inizio di vita della struttura; per esempio: fessure indotte da gradienti termici e ritiro da essiccamento, entrambe provocate da un eccesso di calore di idratazione correlato con un eccessivo dosaggio ed impropria scelta del tipo di cemento. ( vedi articolo )

* In paragraph § 11.2.1 of the Technical Standards for Buildings issued by Ministerial Decree of 24 January 2008 states that "the requirement of the concrete at the time the project must be characterized at least by the class of strength, consistency class and the maximum diameter of the aggregate. "
** In paragraph § 11.2.11 the "Technical Regulations for Construction" states that "to ensure the durability of structures in ordinary reinforced and prestressed concrete, exposed to the environment, you should take the measures to limit the effects of degrado indotti dall’attacco chimico, fisico e derivante dalla corrosione delle armature e dai cicli di gelo e disgelo”.


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