movies on multiple personalities (in this wonderful sense of Identity James Mangold) remind us of the fragility of the human mind, they are also a great way to brilliant writers are able to use it to organize events by unexpected twists. Writers will take less brilliant story disjointed and rambling as the multiple personalities of the mentally ill protagonist. This movie is closer to the latter category.
Cara Jessup is a forensic psychiatrist nerve and convinced of his ideas, among them is that the multiple personalities do not really exist, these are only suggestions. His father, Dr. Harding, submit the case of David Bernburg, a young in a wheelchair arrested for vagrancy and put under medical treatment after having found him a little upset. Cara talks with David and not finding anything particularly strange. But then he discovers the bold Adam Saber, who can safely get up from the wheelchair, both are in the same body, a convincing case of multiple personality. But there is something more: Cara discovers that the name of David Bernburg belongs to a murder victim. The mystery deepens, the figures are increasing, and strange deaths occur Cara understands to be the center of a terrible plot. Taken
good for the assumption - as is always wise to give a chance to even the films that force on the side of credibility - It must be said that the story, although told in a too-stiff, unable to arouse some curiosity at first, through an ingenious use of the mechanisms of psycho-thriller. Everything remains, however, precisely, manual and schematic. Despite the efforts of Jonathan Rhys Meyers, the derelict multiple is not apparent yet, nor as a credible threat or as a tragic figure and thick. The same goes for the doctor, that interpretation is no longer appropriate that Julianne Moore is an icy presence and presumptuous: it is just because it is put into play in professional that his certainties is one of the reasons the film narrative - with the traditional assumption that science explains everything - but the character remains monotonous and fails to engage, to lead in a convincing way the viewer inside the enigma.
pity because the turning point that determines the final solution of the mystery of the film takes on an entirely different that to be effective would need more justification narrative and dramatic as it seems mainly a shortcut to solve in some way myriad of arcane facts otherwise unjustified. The change log also dispels the charm and atmosphere and trivializes the original by bringing together the story in a confused, agitated and disorderly crescendo just succeed. The Swedish duo avoids directorial brilliance preferring fashionable a dark and austere style: the choice is good and even unusual these days, if not rendered ineffective by the extreme length of the film, the resulting monotony and loss of stylistic cohesion of the second part.
the protagonist's brother's room stands a poster of The Night of the Living Dead: A nice tribute to Romero.
password: conte23
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