Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sugar Brazilian Wax Columbia Sc


Normally, when supply companies wishing to subcontract the work, the parties must declare that they intend to assign the same in the contract. Then
award of work and during the work themselves, the company who asked not to subcontract work only with the authorization from the contracting authority, adding to the request with a statement of who they intend to subcontract the same work and with a pattern of sub-contract that meets all the requirements of Article. 118.
The deposit as well as the schema of the contract must be accompanied by documentation attesting to the possession by the subcontractors of all general and special requirements to participate in the procurement, required under the rules of law for the execution of public works.
From the date of receipt of said application shall begin a period of thirty days for the authorization and that 'it to be considered absent if the administration fails to denial of an authorization.
A subsequent and self-fulfillment 'of the deposit of subcontracting contract, once signed, in the contracting.
A period of 20 days will elapse before the work and is' intended to give the administration another spatium deliberandi for verification of the contract and includes a prohibition for the contractor to enable the effective beginning of the implementation of related work by the subcontractor.
This procedure is followed in the ordinary way does not exclude - in the absence of legal prohibition in this respect - that can be deposited at the time of application for authorization, not the schema, but the sub-contract entered into. In this case the aforesaid period of 30 days covering the space left by the Administration to grant or deny permission, both the 20-day period prescribed as first expected dell'inizio dell'esecuzione dei lavori.
Nel caso di subappalto senza autorizzazione dell'amministrazione subappaltante gli effetti sono chiaramente indicati per legge. A parte l'obbligo di denuncia al magistrato penale, ove ricorrano gli estremi relativi, e' rimessa alla valutazione discrezionale dell'amministrazione l'avvalersi delle facolta' che la legge le assegna di far valere l'invalidita' del contratto, di chiederne la risoluzione, a seguito di una ponderata valutazione degli interessi dell'amministrazione stessa.
In ordine, infine, alla possibilita' di autorizzazione a sanatoria, va considerato che la funzione della norma a contenuto di prevenzione, come risulta dalla stessa intitolazione della legge, ed il principio che l'autorizzazione must precede the activity 'and not follow it, suggests the unacceptable amnesty itself, to the adoption of measures for the definition of asset value her, even though' it is understood that they exist, primarily between the contractor and the subcontractor.

Determination of dell'AVCP n.20/2000 5/4/2000


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