and they all lived happily ever
E 'useless to make so many speeches, it is useless to externalize resentment, it is useless to petty rhetoric, the reality is that most receivers will sign the contract and Sisal enough!
It matters little if they do or believe they are forced by circumstances or otherwise, will sign it.
E 'consideration? E 'discriminating? E 'unfair? It matters little, or really care but does not change one iota the reality of things.
other hand, even in the previous contract Sisal impose a fee, which later became known as "technology package" or "membership fee" little changed in substance, provided €. 108 per month si doveva sborsare e le linee telefoniche sono sempre state a carico dei ricevitori.
Il principio applicato nel contratto attuale è lo stesso, solo i costi sono aumentati, ma il principio è rimasto invariato.
Se poi questi principi vengono avallati anche da pseudo sindacati (STS-FIT), allora ci si deve rassegnare, non c’è proprio più nulla da fare: “prendere o lasciare”, non esiste via di mezzo.
Solo i ricevitori stessi potrebbero cambiare questo stato di cose, ma sono in grado di farlo?
Sono in grado di stracciare tutte le tessere associative (STS-FIT-UTIS ecc.) che fino ad ora hanno tutelato esclusivamente i propri interessi e quelli dei gestori?
Sono in grado di compattarsi e scendere in square one?
are able to practice any form of strike?
I can fight for legal recognition of the category?
I can leave aside their differences and finally talk to each other, subsidiaries and represent themselves?
The answers to these questions are obvious and lie in the historical record so I would say no, the receivers will never be able to change anything.
continue, as always, to grow their own herb garden, to feed the usual "known" and get caught constantly kick your ass ... ... and they all lived happily ever after!
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