Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Home Inspector Salary 2010


fees (even broken down by income groups), the loan for a fee etc. reflections should not be made on these aspects that are just the logical consequence of a situation far more alarming and requires more stringent analysis of the facts.
Sisal, by virtue of winning the lottery contract, he received a de facto monopoly of this game (which it already had more).
Under this monopoly, and the resulting dominant position assumed, Sisal that the "rules" that go in one direction, namely the protection of exclusive and increasing its economic interests, more dangerous that his actions interaction can have a disastrous su molti ricevitori e, di riflesso, sui giocatori.
Basta leggere il nuovo contratto proposto da Sisal: è una lunga sequela di imposizioni, di doveri e di costi tutti riferiti ai ricevitori, ai quali è lasciata un’unica scelta: “prendere o lasciare”.
Tutto secondo il solito e ben collaudato copione.
Ma chi vive di soli giochi come fa a lasciare? E’ costretto ad accettare le clausole capestro di Sisal, nella speranza di poter almeno rientrare dai costi; deve ingoiare per forza il “boccone amaro”.
Sisal questo lo sa bene e anche nello studiare le ridicole quanto aberranti fasce di canone ( i cosiddetti decili), ha fatto bene i suoi calcoli al punto tale che in massimo cinque anni, with only those charges, will return on their investments, not to mention that in the meantime, the game will be revenue for the Sisal true and pure profit.
Under the guise of providing incentives to receivers alleged new game strategies, causes them to produce more to pay less rent. With this nice little game Sisal ensures consistent and profitable revenue, giving up a sop to the receivers insignificant.
She looked good - as it would make more sense - to make a speech of incentives on the premium receivers and that is "the more you produce the more you increase the premium" never! The speech is "the more you produce, and pay less, but always pay it and not gain that is only the prerogative of Sisal.
Someone might object claiming that a major production is a higher gain, it is true but we must bear in mind that the more money you have to pay the costs Sisal you require and how that fee is a minimum of € .800 plus vat at the end are € .960, equal to 1,920 columns lottery in which the receiver does not gain anything but on which Sisal, however, receives its premium.
Now let's say that all the 23,000 points collected (these amendments will be soon), go to the first band fee (€. 8oo + VAT) to cover the costs of fee collection points will produce, for free, 44160000 columns (1.920x23.000), annual Sisal on which will still have its premium, plus €. 18,400,000 + VAT, revenue from fees payable (800x23.000). The calculations of the gentlemen
Sisal them are well made, at the end to their budgets must balance, if those receivers are not important to them in red.
The thing that is left somewhat puzzled as to consider STS Sisal an innovative, fair and reasonable as you arrogate the right to represent the receivers, just as a trade union that STS (at least that is defined) can protect only if itself and the "mother" who bore her, that FIT. FIT
Ah! Then everything is explained (as always), everything has a logic. ... The circle.
In the end it always has been, nothing new, but all over this state of things the receivers are exempt from liability?
Definitely not, the receivers have never been and never will be a category, their short-sightedness and stupidity has allowed anyone to take them with impunity slaps and continue to do so without the slightest expression of a reaction of pride and dignity.
No! It is not the fee, the loan for a fee, the number of heavy taxes. ... Is the self-esteem that the receivers have been lost and it is thanks to this that some people can afford anything against them.
E 'futile shouting "strike," "Not to sign the contract" and so on. , How many times it has been said and the results we can see them.
This is the situation "take it or leave it", the rest is talk, it is ridiculous to continue to poke fun.



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