Wednesday, January 5, 2011

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Bloody Vikings: How to Create E-mail temporary use firefox New Years Eve

email fittizzia If you are looking for a service create a temporary e-mail , surely you will find very useful Bloody Vikings.

Bloody Vikings , is a free internet service that allows users che utilizzano il browser firefox di creare delle E-mail provvisorie temporanee da utilizzare per esempio nei servizi internet come forum o siti che richiedono una breve registrazione , in modo da non ricevere una marea di SPAM ( pubblicitĂ  spazzatura ) dovuta a tante iscrizioni anche in siti considerati poco sicuri.

Un Addon Per Firefox Gratuito e molto utile in caso vogliamo proteggere la nostra privacy   Creando una vera e propria e-mail  Fittizia temporanea effettuando registrazioni internet provvisorie.

How do I use Bloody Vikings:

jpg The service is very easy to use ( course we have to use the firefox browser ).

First, download and install the addon on firefox ( the process is such to other addon )

When we have to do with a recording ( eg forums, web service, etc. .. ) and do not want to give our real email address, just click the right mouse button and search for "Bloody Vikings and fill in all fields of the form (as in Fig ).

At this point another window will open with a new form and with a temporary email address be used for recording.


An excellent addon for Firefox is able to create temporary email to fight spam

Download: Bloody Vikings Download free firefox


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