Create calendars to print free 2011 With the arrival of the eagerly awaited new years as a general rule that each change to the old calendar del 2010 con uno del 2011.
Se non avete ancora un calendario adatto ai vostri gusti, o alle vostre esigenze, potete visitare il servizio . , è un servizio online gratuito che permette agli utenti di creare dei calendari 2011 Personalizzati , sfruttando delle fotografie personali da applicare come tema .
Avremo cosi la possibilità di creare dei calendari con  le foto dei nostri momenti più cari, oppure mettendo come sfondo il nostro amato/a o chi vogliamo.
Il risultato sarà ottimo, molto ben definito , e davvero originale, entirely unique.
styles proposed for the creation of our calendar, are of two types: the first
display all 12 months of 2011 on a single sheet, while in 'other case View Month by month or one month for each sheet the calendar.
we have to choose to our liking and proceed in creation.
How to create our calendar 2011 Custom:
Very simple, first we connect with the Home clicking the link found at the bottom, and right there find ourselves in the 'GUI Online the program for the creation of our calendar .
1) First choose the item CHOOSE FILE to access the images in our computer, and it can be inserted as background in our calendar.
2) Choose the type of calendar view on the right side of the screen where we will have a single view of each sheet corresponds to a month, while the left side of the screen will have the unique visual foil and grill containing 12 Months .
3) Click on the item I NVIA to kick off the creation of our own calendar .
Once created, we can save PDF document by clicking the heading FREE DOWNLOAD HERE , and we can decide to print it or email it to our loved ones.
An excellent free online service to easily create personalized calendars to print.
Link: Visit