Per non dimenticare.....
For a lost love
of Allan Riger-Brown
Maybe I forget.
The passage of time will help you:
other eyes, other smiles
startled awake in your heart.
Another sun will warm up.
More rain, more tears bathe your face.
Other breezes will blend with your
sighs And I'll no more for you than a name, a shadow.
Or maybe one day, when looking
you yet sunk his hands in life, when you finally
convinced that is who you are inside you,
not outside, not in the most beautiful bodies,
not the most beautiful landscapes flavors fragrances,
but inside you, then perhaps
remember me and know that what you saw in the mirror my eyes
was that hidden place.
What unveiled a moment together
was ourselves.
It was the jolt sweeter, more true.
My small unattainable love
of Fernando Biondi
I met along the river,
not know my name nor
my breath and my heart beats,
dance like a leaf
transported by a light breeze,
as slipping on
sweet notes of a violin, played together
the game of life to the game of
'love, you forgot
open the door tuo cuore
e sono entrato,
e adesso devo,
uscire in silenzio
dalla porta di servizio,
prenderà un altro
il mio posto,
vorrei odiarti ma non ci riesco,
mio piccolo irraggiungibile amore
resterai per sempre in un angolo
della mia parte che ricorda
Chiedo scusa per il post fuori tema...
Credo che starò assente per un po'.....
Un saluto a tutti i lettori,
- - - - - - - - - -
edit 4-set-09
Add this video .. thanks to perinick89
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Why Do My Arches Burn When Wear Ice Skates
Video editing con Ubuntu: OpenShot
taken from TechnoMhz :
OpenShot is a new non-linear video editor that can manipulate the majority of audio, video and images to present esistenti.Giunto version, 0.9.22 is now possible to download and install it on Ubuntu using the handy package. deb
Among the main features we find:
To download right to your architecture to click HERE.
taken from TechnoMhz :
OpenShot is a new non-linear video editor that can manipulate the majority of audio, video and images to present esistenti.Giunto version, 0.9.22 is now possible to download and install it on Ubuntu using the handy package. deb
Among the main features we find:
- Supports most audio formats, video and pictures (based on FFmpeg)
- Integration in Gnome
- Managing multiple tracks
- scaling, cropping, composition and music videos
- video effects with real-time preview Support
- Rotoscoping / Image sequences
- Timeline "Drag and drop
- Encoding video (based on FFmpeg)
To download right to your architecture to click HERE.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Loading Snowmobile In Truck
Friday, August 21, 2009
Resetting An Eminent Lock
[GUIDA] Rilevare le temperature di Hard Disk e CPU su Ubuntu 8.04
A volte può essere necessario, sopratutto dopo una modifica hardware, dover monitorare le temperature interne del nostro PC..per fare questo o montiamo uno di quei frontali con display (quindi aggiungiamo dell'hardware) oppure sfruttiamo i sensori già presenti all'interno; noi in questo post prenderemo in considerazione solo la seconda ipotesi.
Per fare questo utilizzeremo due semplici programmi da riga di comando:
Per prima cosa installiamo i pacchetti necessary, by typing in a terminal:
The first will monitor the temperatures of the hard disk, while the second will handle these motherboard, processor, and will also monitor the supply voltages .
To use this package does not require configuration .. to see the temperature just type:
sdX instead of where we will be your hard-disk (eg .
This package needs to work instead of a quick and easy configuration, then we open our beloved always terminal and type: sudo sensors-detect
All questions that we will always respond with
At this point everything is ready, we have to run it by typing: sudo sensors
A volte può essere necessario, sopratutto dopo una modifica hardware, dover monitorare le temperature interne del nostro PC..per fare questo o montiamo uno di quei frontali con display (quindi aggiungiamo dell'hardware) oppure sfruttiamo i sensori già presenti all'interno; noi in questo post prenderemo in considerazione solo la seconda ipotesi.
Per fare questo utilizzeremo due semplici programmi da riga di comando:
e lm-sensor
Per prima cosa installiamo i pacchetti necessary, by typing in a terminal:
hddtemp sudo apt-get install lm-sensors
The first will monitor the temperatures of the hard disk, while the second will handle these motherboard, processor, and will also monitor the supply voltages .
To use this package does not require configuration .. to see the temperature just type:
sudo hddtemp / dev / sdX
sdX instead of where we will be your hard-disk (eg .
sda or sdb
, etc. ..) LMSensors
This package needs to work instead of a quick and easy configuration, then we open our beloved always terminal and type: sudo sensors-detect
All questions that we will always respond with
y (okay in most cases). At this point everything is ready, we have to run it by typing: sudo sensors
Thursday, August 20, 2009
How To Wash A North Face
CheckGmail: notifche GMail sulla barra delle applicazione
CheckGmail is an application intended for users of the famous Google's email service that periodically performs a check on our mailbox and warns us through notification if there are new messages.
To install, simply open our beloved terminal and type:
Once installed and configured the icon will appear in the form of an envelope in the taskbar.
In this way we will not have to worry about frequently check the inbox, because it will be a notification to notify us of receiving a new message.
CheckGmail is an application intended for users of the famous Google's email service that periodically performs a check on our mailbox and warns us through notification if there are new messages.
To install, simply open our beloved terminal and type:
sudo apt-get install checkgmail
Once installed and configured the icon will appear in the form of an envelope in the taskbar.
In this way we will not have to worry about frequently check the inbox, because it will be a notification to notify us of receiving a new message.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I,ladies Tailor,bangalore
Griffith: come gestire la videoteca con Ubuntu
Griffith is a simple and intuitive multi-platform management and cataloging of media, how can they be video stores or video library.
Its simple interface makes it quick and easy insertion of new objects and parametric search of the same (title, media, year, etc. ..)
Some of the most important features are the search for information from the Internet, automatic downloading of cover and additional information and the ability to generate PDF files.
To install this application by typing in a terminal:
Griffith is a simple and intuitive multi-platform management and cataloging of media, how can they be video stores or video library.
Its simple interface makes it quick and easy insertion of new objects and parametric search of the same (title, media, year, etc. ..)
Some of the most important features are the search for information from the Internet, automatic downloading of cover and additional information and the ability to generate PDF files.
To install this application by typing in a terminal:
sudo apt-get install griffith
Saturday, August 15, 2009
How To Congratulate Someone With A New Home
Accordatore su Ubuntu: Lingot
taken from LinuxFreedom :
Lingotto is a very useful tuner for guitar (and more) accurate, easy to use and highly configurable.
To use it you have to have any type of microphone connected to your PC and start Lingot, bring your instrument to the microphone and play a note. For a good tuning the needle has to be found inside the green zone in the center.
sugfficiente for installation from a terminal type: sudo apt-get
Happy August everybody!!
taken from LinuxFreedom :
Lingotto is a very useful tuner for guitar (and more) accurate, easy to use and highly configurable.
To use it you have to have any type of microphone connected to your PC and start Lingot, bring your instrument to the microphone and play a note. For a good tuning the needle has to be found inside the green zone in the center.
sugfficiente for installation from a terminal type: sudo apt-get
install lingot
Happy August everybody!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Building Grinall Scorpion
DJ su Ubuntu: Mixxx
Adapted from LinuxFreedom :
Mixxx is a graphical interface is simple but full of tools to turn your computer into a real DJ Mixer: Using this application you can mix audio tracks and create their own compositions in a simple way, using the tools made available by developers.
Very lightweight in terms of resources necessary for its full operation, simplifies the task of Mixxx mix of songs through the automatic BPM counter, and also lets you import music from one or more directories, or to add Playlists previously achieved, supporting various formats. To install it on
nostra Ubuntu-Box è sufficiente effettuare il download del pacchetto
Adapted from LinuxFreedom :
Mixxx is a graphical interface is simple but full of tools to turn your computer into a real DJ Mixer: Using this application you can mix audio tracks and create their own compositions in a simple way, using the tools made available by developers.
Very lightweight in terms of resources necessary for its full operation, simplifies the task of Mixxx mix of songs through the automatic BPM counter, and also lets you import music from one or more directories, or to add Playlists previously achieved, supporting various formats. To install it on
nostra Ubuntu-Box è sufficiente effettuare il download del pacchetto
da QUI e fare click due volte sul pacchetto per procedere all'installazione. ENJOY!!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Mountains Biffy Clyro Free Sheet Music
Internet a pedali: con Ubuntu
tratto da HiTech :
Tra i tanti gadget e prototipi elettronici in cui ci capita di imbatterci, questo sicuramente vale una vera e propria candidatura all’Oscar del Gadget: la Webcycle , l’attrezzo sportivo creato da Matt Grey e Tom Scott, ideale per chi vuole portare un po’ si moto nella propria vita ma non ha assolutamente intenzione di rinunciare alle gioie di internet.
to this bike is a laptop connected to Ubuntu, in turn connected to a series of sensors that allow the Arduino 'rider' to download bits and bytes with his bare legs .
For a normal page text-only light or just a quiet ride, but to be able to see your favorite videos [...] you really crank it.
Spectacular ....
tratto da HiTech :
Tra i tanti gadget e prototipi elettronici in cui ci capita di imbatterci, questo sicuramente vale una vera e propria candidatura all’Oscar del Gadget: la Webcycle , l’attrezzo sportivo creato da Matt Grey e Tom Scott, ideale per chi vuole portare un po’ si moto nella propria vita ma non ha assolutamente intenzione di rinunciare alle gioie di internet.
to this bike is a laptop connected to Ubuntu, in turn connected to a series of sensors that allow the Arduino 'rider' to download bits and bytes with his bare legs .
For a normal page text-only light or just a quiet ride, but to be able to see your favorite videos [...] you really crank it.
Spectacular ....
Monday, August 10, 2009
Mac Movie Magic Budgeting
L'università di Verona passa a Linux
taken from PI:
Following the example of the government of Monaco, Bolzano and art school in Berlin, the University of Verona will migrate to open source operating systems, as did other Italian institutes.
The initiative is called "Project Dare", because it believes that "dare" challenging the conventions of hardware and proprietary software in Italian universities, and open the way to a vision of "open" resources computer universities.
main objective of the program is to reduce IT costs.
taken from PI:
Following the example of the government of Monaco, Bolzano and art school in Berlin, the University of Verona will migrate to open source operating systems, as did other Italian institutes.
The initiative is called "Project Dare", because it believes that "dare" challenging the conventions of hardware and proprietary software in Italian universities, and open the way to a vision of "open" resources computer universities.
main objective of the program is to reduce IT costs.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Circular Staircase Handrail Rubber
[GUIDA] Installare Chromium (Google Chrome)su Ubuntu Hardy 8.04
Today we will see how to install Google Chrome (aka Cromium ) on our Ubuntu-box ..
First you need to add the necessary repository to our sources.list file
file and inserting at the end of these three lines:
Now we need to add the GPG key of the repository (also terminal): sudo apt-
The last thing to do is update Apt with the new repository and install Chromium, typing in a sequence:
Now you can find the icon on the taskbar .. Chromium
Happy surfing!
thanks to PettiNix
Today we will see how to install Google Chrome (aka Cromium ) on our Ubuntu-box ..
First you need to add the necessary repository to our sources.list file
by typing in a terminal: sudo gedit / etc / apt / sources.list
file and inserting at the end of these three lines:
# # Chromium deb hardy main deb-src hardy main
Now we need to add the GPG key of the repository (also terminal): sudo apt-
key adv - recv-keys - keyserver 0xfbef0d696de1c72ba5a835fe5a9bf3bb4e5e17b5
The last thing to do is update Apt with the new repository and install Chromium, typing in a sequence:
sudo apt-get update & & sudo apt-get install chromium-browser
Now you can find the icon on the taskbar .. Chromium
Happy surfing!
thanks to PettiNix
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Navel Pain After C Section
Folk con "L'Usignolo" - Calestano, 7 agosto '09
taken from the Gazzetta di Parma :
is a journey to rediscover the folk music of our land that proposed by the concert at The Nightingale breath Friday, August 7 to Calestano (Piazzale San Lorenzo, at 21.15, admission free).
Si tratta di un ensemble di musicisti di solida formazione, che riscopre e rifà con allegria e rigore il repertorio della tradizione popolare, tutto per strumenti a fiato (sassofono, clarinetto, quartini, tromba, bombardino, corno, tuba, genis).
Il concerto è intitolato “Via col liscio tra rondinelle e bombardini” e ricrea per il pubblico le atmosfere perdute delle feste popolari di una volta, quando alle sagre della vendemmia e della mietitura la gente aveva voglia di ballare e, ad accompagnarli, già dalla fine dell' 800, erano gruppi di veri pionieri del genere che sui ritmi incalzanti di valzer, mazurche e polche permettevano a clarinetti e trombe di scatenarsi in sequenze di note indiavolate.
Componenti del gruppo:
Mirco Ghirardini (Quartino, Clarinetto), Francesco Gualerzi (Quartino, Sassofono), Fabio Codeluppi (Tromba), Valentino Spaggiari (Bombardino), Francesco Bossaglia (corno), Maurizio Cavallini (Corno), Gianluigi Paganelli (Tuba).
taken from the Gazzetta di Parma :
is a journey to rediscover the folk music of our land that proposed by the concert at The Nightingale breath Friday, August 7 to Calestano (Piazzale San Lorenzo, at 21.15, admission free).
Si tratta di un ensemble di musicisti di solida formazione, che riscopre e rifà con allegria e rigore il repertorio della tradizione popolare, tutto per strumenti a fiato (sassofono, clarinetto, quartini, tromba, bombardino, corno, tuba, genis).
Il concerto è intitolato “Via col liscio tra rondinelle e bombardini” e ricrea per il pubblico le atmosfere perdute delle feste popolari di una volta, quando alle sagre della vendemmia e della mietitura la gente aveva voglia di ballare e, ad accompagnarli, già dalla fine dell' 800, erano gruppi di veri pionieri del genere che sui ritmi incalzanti di valzer, mazurche e polche permettevano a clarinetti e trombe di scatenarsi in sequenze di note indiavolate.
Componenti del gruppo:
Mirco Ghirardini (Quartino, Clarinetto), Francesco Gualerzi (Quartino, Sassofono), Fabio Codeluppi (Tromba), Valentino Spaggiari (Bombardino), Francesco Bossaglia (corno), Maurizio Cavallini (Corno), Gianluigi Paganelli (Tuba).
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
How Does The Chinese Show Sympathy
Dry Land Big Band - 5 Agosto '09 - Tolè di Vergato
E' con piacere che annuncio il concerto della " Dry Land Big Band " (di cui faccio parte) che si terrà mercoledì 5 Agosto 2009 alle ore 21 a Tolè di Vergato (BO), nel piazzale della Chiesa.
Argomento del concerto sarà la tipica musica swing americana anni '30 - '40 (in stile Glenn Miller, Benny Goodman, etc. ..)
For more info:
E' con piacere che annuncio il concerto della " Dry Land Big Band " (di cui faccio parte) che si terrà mercoledì 5 Agosto 2009 alle ore 21 a Tolè di Vergato (BO), nel piazzale della Chiesa.
Argomento del concerto sarà la tipica musica swing americana anni '30 - '40 (in stile Glenn Miller, Benny Goodman, etc. ..)
For more info:
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