On 6 was made on the Lotto!!
Fever the Lotto which had infected millions of Italians and not ended, the temperature has returned to normal and the Superenalotto oblivion with his iniquity and his return will resume its downward course.
During the ride to the 'gold' many receivers have been engaged in abnormally compared to the trend of recent times and have complained about this, not the amount of work increased, but because no one has told them "good" for the 'efforts in this period of crisis and recession (what the hell got to do then just know them).
Lords receivers, which mom did sign contracts Sisal rope, applying canoni e costi da usurai, si sono lamentati perché nessuno ha riconosciuto ufficialmente il loro impegno, per il resto nessun lamento…..anzi.
Qualcuno si è sentito gratificato perché finalmente ha potuto esibire la propria professionalità proponendo sistemi vari e assistenza ai giocatori. Cose ormai dimenticate da tempo, cioè da quando i “signori del palazzo” con varie “innovazioni” hanno ridotto i giochi a squallide lotterie paesane dove si acquista un biglietto qualunque nella speranza di vincere il “prosciutto” messo in palio….senza alcuno sforzo fisico e mentale.
La febbre del superenalotto è passata!! Ora si ritorna al quotidiano, il numero dei giocatori course will drop dramatically, as the proceeds of the receivers, and eventually will have other grounds for complaint.
a long time now the cry has become the main effort of the receivers who, unable to conceive a different world than the four walls of his shop, give vent to their daily frustrations with the perpetual lament ... ... trivial, inconsistent, staff and never intended to something constructive. LONG LIVE THE
6 !!!!!
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