Pursuant to the Decree of the Ministry of Economic Development, 11 .3.2008 prohibited the sale of cigarette lighters without child safety.
who contravenes these provisions is a criminal offense with the application of a fine from €. To € 10,000. 50,000 and by imprisonment up to one year.
Finally we discovered that the real criminals are not just pedophiles that after a few months out of jail for abusing other children, not only are the exploiters of child labor, who enslaves the bambili begging or prostitution.
The news is full of these episodes but not as prisons for those who committed them.
Now we have the new "MONSTER": the tobacconist! This horrible person who sells products with the "announcement of death" (with the approval of the state that collects billion), which sells lighters that can be dangerous for children.
For these new "monsters" the state provides for severe penalties .... right, the children must be protected, but the tobacco does not sell lighters to children, if anything, their parents and why they do not have any responsibility if leave these items at the mercy of their children at risk of getting hurt?
And the matches? Are potentially more dangerous than lighters but they will not be any safety standard, the same could be said for the detergents to medicines, for cutlery, tools for gi ..... and the list goes to ' infinity. For all is left to the conscience and the prudence of good parents supervise for their children not come into contact with dangerous objects, and certainly not in one house are missing.
for lighters instead, the sole responsibility of the tobacco, it is he who can go to jail if he sells a lighter and not under the ridiculous thing is that it would suffer everything to get it sold to an adult who could carelessly around and let his son could potentially hurt phases.
Congratulations! Finally, the safety of children is really protected!
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