Friday, December 31, 2010

How Do I Get Superglue Off Stainless Steal Sink

ConvertToCartoon Online: How to Transform an image / photo in a cute cartoon

converttocartoon Se cercate un servizio Web per creare dei simpatici fumetti stravaganti vi consiglio di provare  Converttocartoon .

Converttocartoon, is a free online service that allows quickly and easily transform into any of our image / photo in a balloon.

Very comfortable and cute as a service, ideal for transform a photo of a human face in a cute cartoon.

Converttocartoon , is one of the best Internet service in its class, requires no software installation or subscription to use it, thanks to its convenient and intuitive graphic interface will be a breeze transform a photograph into a cartoon .

Converttocartoon How to use:

to the home page of the service Click on the link at bottom of page ;

We are confronted with the GUI as in Figure 1



Now we must choose the photos, and here we have two options:

If the photo is already saved on your PC, just post the yellow ball on the item UPLOAD PHOTOS FROM DISK and click on "Choose File to access folders inside of our pc, up to the photo explanation will be modified;

If the photo is on the Web, just select UPLOAD PHOTOS FROM voice URL and paste the URL of the photo in 'special area.

once posted the photo, simply click the item CARTOONIZE NOW to start the transformation process and thus obtain a normal picture, a funny comic strip can send by mail to friends and relatives, or share in the major services Social networks by sharing the appropriate button located under the home page of the service.


A good internet service for free to transform the nfoto / images in Comics

Link: Go to Converttocartoon

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Security Box: How to protect files and folders from prying eyes

often for various reasons, we need to protect documents we want to remain invisible to foreign eyes, in this case we can try the program Security Box Security Box

, is a free program for Windows that allows easily and fast protect our most important documents , preventing users from viewing by third parties.

very convenient to protect our privacy from snoops, or just to our security if we use the PC with other users.

The software is able to protect files and folders, encrypt files and setting a password to access, without which it will be virtually impossible to have free access to the hidden documents.

The program is very easy and fast, thanks to the presence of 'non-Italian as a language you will surely have big problems to use it.

How to use security box:

First we have to download it to your PC and install it, then we will see the 'program icon on our desktop .

now and set the password to encrypt folders to our or our documents, just use the drag and drop technique , ie drag the file over the icon of security box, or select them with the right mouse button select CRYPT from the pulldown menu.

the program will automatically create a compressed archive with encrypted files inside it.

The program has not been distributed by the manufacturer, but being a good product is present in many Italian Host,

Download: Download Free Security box

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Collection: 38 Internet sites and services to legally download and listen to good music

musica-gratis.jpg Worldwide the Web, many users are looking for be able to download MP3 music on their PC for multiple functions, create playlists, update with the latest songs of the moment your Ipod etc. ..

For this reason searching through the various websites, I found a very interesting article published by downloadsquad , which creates a real its list of 35 sites and services where you can freely download good music without having to resort to Illegal programs, or to subscribe subscriptions.

The site is entirely in English, we will report Italianate, always giving thanks and the merits of the real authors' article.

hereafter, denote a collection of over 38 Internet sites and services where you can download free and legally to good music:

  1. iLike : Let's talk about one of the many services of Social Musc, where there is so much good music posted by users of various kinds;
  2. Downlovers Excellent European portal for downloading music legally, full of many files;
  3. Altsounds : Another great service where you can download lots of music of various kinds, as well as other video content and
  4. bt.etree . org: Very complete, a search service via MP3 file Artist or song Direct
  5. Legaltorrents : A service of music, free games, and many videos including music;
  6. Imeem : This is also a service related to social networking that allows you to share files between users on the network;
  7. Stereogum : a real store filled with lots of Mp3 music you can download the PC;
  8. SXSW: An online service full of files but temporarily suspended;
  9. Deezer You can listen to and share legal lots of audio files;
  10. Unsigned Band Web : An innovative service full of new bands (service expansion);
  11. Soundclick's music page : Excellent free service where you can download a lot of music and videos of famous artists;
  12. Honcho : A service too innovative, many artists find new entry and new bands;
  13. Garage Band: One of the best services on this list, very full of such rich music free;
  14. Indie Rock Cafe : Excellent this good music download service;
  15. DMusic : a more focused service for Eastern and Indian music;
  16. iCompositions : This is also a great service full of MP3 files to download ;
  17. The Internet Archive: Lots of good music over 150,000 items in stock;
  18. Jamendo: to download music of various kinds;
  19. Peoplesound : a great service to download music from internet After brief service registration;
  20. Epitonic : Online archive of music varies;
  21. Stereokille r: service for all fans of Metal and Punk;
  22. Anti's : Music Archive discreetly provided to try;
  23. 3hive : Blog archives containing various musical
  24. itsfreedownloads : excellent online service to download music of various kinds;
  25. : many artists you can listen or download in Mp3 in pc;
  26. : Listen and download great music from the Internet;
  27. : Excellent online service for searching and downloading music;
  28. Last.FM : This is also a great Internet service to browse and download music;
  29. iSound : Ben Another service provided by many famous artists;
  30. we7 : service expansion full of news emerging
  31. SpiralFrog : Very provided, allows you to download as many MP3 files;
  32. Blentwell : Service for alternative music and hard
  33. MTV : Excellent online service of the most popular of the moment;
  34. Free Children's Music : Equipped with a lot of music for children;
  35. Classic Cat: An online service aimed at fans of the beautiful classical music,
  36. Ijigg : Great online service that contains a lot of music from emerging artists;
  37. Muziic free Internet services related to youtube site;
  38. Qtrax Servizioper condividere e scaricare tanta musica;

Per accedere ai servizi sopraindicati, basta cliccare il collegamento Ipertestuale con il nome del servizio.

Se avete qualche servizio internet analogo da voler segnalare, fate pure sarò lieto di aggiungerlo alla lista.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

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Castle Hero Game Free browser game point and click action

Castle Hero - Il castello del re ha bisogno di coraggiosi guerrieri per resistere all'invasione nemica: proteggete la vostra base ad ogni costo. Scaldate i muscoli, prendete arco e frecce e preparatevi all'assalto! Lanciate enormi massi, scagliate saette oppure utilizzate il mitragliatore per far fuori gli avversari. Si gioca con il MOUSE .

Puntate per scegliere l'inclinazione e la potenza del vostro lancio. Quando la barra degli effetti è al massimo potrete usufruire di effetti speciali, quali fuoco, veleno, esplosione e luce. Cliccate sui bottoni Spells per utilizzare gli incantesimi.

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Guide: How to build home for a parabola amplify the signal from the router / modem Wi-Fi Icon

Se in casa per le vostre connessioni utilizzate un router o un modem Wi-Fi , sicuramente vi sarà utile la soluzione descritta passo passo  dal sito freeantennas e italianizzata e segnalata da diversi sites and blogs and sites including Lead me very comfortable solution that allows you to create a signal amplifier WI-FI craft, so you have a nice strong signal anywhere in the house. This parable craft

placed behind the duck antenna on the router, allows you to collect all the signal of 'duck antenna and channel it in one direction, thus avoiding dispersion signal and having a remarkable optimization of the signal Wireless .

A wireless signal can be amplified from normal 9 DBI DBI up to 12 (depending on size of dish ), amplifying a fairly consistent if we count the materials used for the construction of the parabola.

As we build an 'amplifier Wireless:

The procedure is quite simple and fast and does not have to be a big expert, and the cost for the construction of our parabola amplifier is practically zero.

We need to download to your computer and print an A4 sheet figure reported in fig 1 and downloadable from this page , it would be a silhouette of the parable signal amplifier .


Adesso dobbiamo procurarci un cartoncino e della carta alluminio da cucina, , il cartoncino delle dimensioni di metà foglio A4 , e dobbiamo incollare l’alluminio su di esso.

Adesso dobbiamo tagliare con delle forbici la parte superiore e la parte inferiore della FIG 1  scaricata in precedenza.

La parte superiore la andiamo ad incollare ad un foglio tipo cartoncino delineando i contorni con le forbici,

la parte inferiore della sagoma  invece la incolliamo nel  foglio dove abbiamo incollato  l’alluminio, dalla parte opposta(in una parte abbiamo l’alluminio e nell’ altra la nostra sagoma inferiore), anche in questo caso ritagliamo bene i bordi in modo da avere una sagoma ben delineata.

Adesso notiamo nella parte superiore della sagoma 2 cerchietti evidenziati dal colore rosso, li foriamo per farci passare all’ interno l’antennina del nostro router o modem WI-FI.

Stessa cosa andiamo a forare anche la parte inferiore nei 6 punti indicati dai rettangoli BLU.

Il risultato ottenuto sarà analogo a questo:

Una volta fissata la nostra parabola, possiamo direzionarla a nostro piacimento verso le ale più sperdute della casa, in modo da ottenere un segnale più potente senza dispersione.

To keep things simple, we follow this video guide on youtube mail:


DIY A great way to increase the signal strength of our wireless modem or router Menier completely free.

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Shutdown: Shut down and restart the PC with a single mouse click

When we are in a hurry, even the most simple and trivial to do with the PC as the shutdown or restart the operating system , can be a hassle.

If the problem above applies to you, you can not definitely do without the great utility Shutdown Icon.

Shutdown Icon is a free utility systems Windows, which allows shut down and restart your PC quickly with a single mouse click, without wasting time.

A very useful utility for people in a hurry, plus it does not only provide shutdown and restart of the operating system , but also provides for the disconnection, the system hibernation, and standby time of the Pc.

short, all those operations that require you to enter and start searching through the drop-down execution we want to run your PC. Through

Shutdown Icon we comfortably in the desktop icons ready to press for quickly shut down and restart the PC , log user, and many other operations shortcut to interact with the system.

another very handy feature of the program is that you can rename at will all the icons, Italianization willing, in this way for example we can rename the icon RESTART RESTART PC in PC, making it more visible to our eyes.


An excellent free utility per sistemi Windows che permette di spegnere e riavviare con un solo click il nostro sistema operativo.

Collegamento: Scarica Gratis Shutdown Icon

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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Crash Bandicoot: Game Free Action Game Browsrer

Crash Bandicoot - Crash Bandicoot , il marsupiale più famoso e simpatico del mondo virtuale, ora protagonista di una bella avventura online ripresa da un gioco per playstation. Aiutate Crash a fermare i piani del malvagio Dottor Neo Cortex e liberate la vostra sorellina coco. Per raggiungerla attraversate tutti i livelli del gioco e i suoi misteriosi scenari, fino ad arrivare al duello finale col perfido Cortex.

With the help of the powerful wizard Aku Aku masks worn bearing his head and go full speed out the most dangerous adventure facing formidable foes. Along the way collect tasty fruits Wumpa and smash all the boxes: those of wood, those containing the mask Aku Aku and the bonus. Also take care to speakers and enjoy explosive containing TNT instead of the ones with the arrows! To play, use the arrow keys to move and SPACEBAR to make the turnaround.

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Fringe (TV series) episodes free streaming Megavideo on Italian film, FilmGratis and Cineblog01

The episodes of Fringe , the famous American series, which is spreading increasingly also in Italy, are viewable Free Streaming on : Italy film. FilmGratis and Cineblog01 .

adventures are divided into series and episodes , to view free streaming episodes of fringe , just connect to the site that hosts them choosing one of the links at the bottom places, and then by Home Sites select the series and the episode of interest by clicking on the mouse.

Quasi istantaneamente si aprirà la finestra con il Player megavideo che permetterà la visualizzazione gratuita in streaming dell’ episodio di Fringe selezionato .

Trama Fringe:

In tutto il mondo si stanno verificando eventi apparentemente inspiegabili, fenomeni soprannaturali, che fanno riferimento a quello che la Sicurezza Nazionale americana ha definito " Lo Schema ". Quando il volo internazionale 627, partito da Amburgo, atterra aBoston con tutti i passeggeri e i componenti dell'equipaggio morti, l'agente dell'FBI Olivia Dunham è chiamata per risolvere il caso. Olivia è decisa a chiedere l’aiuto di uno scienziato, il Dr. Walter Bishop, che conduceva esperimenti per il Governo all'interno di un ramo della scienza chiamata " Fringe " (che comprende fenomeni paranormali come il controllo della mente, il teletrasporto, laproiezione astrale, l'invisibilità, la mutazione genetica , la rianimazione) finché, in seguito ad un incidente di laboratorio, fu dichiarato mentalmente instabile e rinchiuso in un istituto psichiatrico.. Continua su wikipedia

Trailer Fringe:

Episodi Streaming  fringe clicca uno dei Link per collegarti con il sito che li ospita.

Collegamento:   Episodi  fringe su  Italia Film

Collegamento: Episodi Fringe su Film Gratis

Collegamento: Episodi fringe su Cineblog 01

Quotes Or Phrases From Picnik

Namebench: Improve the speed of the Internet DNS server via Eloquens

Se avete dei dubbi sulla vostra velocità di connessione, sicuramente vi tornerà utile questo articolo , e se ancora ci son problemi, potete provare a improve the speed of your Internet connection with Namebench .

Namebench , is a free program Winows systems, which allows improve the speed of your Internet connection by going to control between available DNS server for your connection.

A very useful application that allows you to graphically view the performance of DNS server to which it supports our Internet line, and if problems are found, or there is some DNS servers more powerful, the program we will indicate this and we will then ottimizzare la nostra velocità di connessione Internet .

Namebench è davvero facile da utilizzare grazie alla sua interfaccia grafica molto spartana ma intuitiva , e non richiede particolari settaggi per effettuare il test.

Come si utilizza Namebench:

Molto facile da utilizzare, una volta collegati con la home andiamo nel link per programmi Windows, il secondo dall’ alto, doppio click di Mouse ed installiamo il programma nel Pc.

A questo punto, lo avviamo e ci si presenterà con la sua interfaccia grafica come in fig 1


benchmark2 section Nameservers show the number of DNS servers to which we link.

to start the test control START BENCHMARK just click below on the right side of the screen (highlighted in red ) and immediately you will start the test.

must wait a few minutes before the test comes to an end and it signals the servers and the fastest available.

When finished, it will open a browser window in which to graphically display the results obtained with the various connection speed, and will show us if the server to which we online was the best, or if we can improve the performance of our connections change.


A good free program to test and improve the speed of your Internet connection

Download: Download Free Namebench

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: Far say to our computer all you want Text to Speech mode (robotic voice)

voce Often that in many videos in youtube , we see celebrities talking robotic voices, modified by users, or hear the audio books speak with a robotic voice very nice.

How these items are produced or modified?

simple, as vocele synthesizer, the process is really simple and fast, just very little to say to the famous actors of a video all you want, or create custom audiobooks.

On the web there are many available voice synthesizers , but now we see in detail Eloquens.

Eloquens, is a free program that acts as vocele synthesizer that allows you to say to our computer PC with a robotic voice, and grazie alla modalità TEXT TO SPEECH   tutto quello che vogliamo .

La modalità TEXT TO SPEECH in pratica permette di riprodurre vocalmente il testo scritto all’ interno del programma dall’ utente.

Come si utilizza Eloquens:

Molto semplice da utilizzare,basta scaricare il file dal link a fondo pagina, ed avviare il programma, che non ha bisogno di installazione diretta ( quindi può essere anche caricato su una pennina USB e utilizzato in qualsiasi postazione PC );

Il software si pèresenterà con un interfaccia abbastanza semplice ma molto diretta (vedi fig 1)



pane, highlighted by red, type the text that we want to be repeated Pc by ;

Once written regulate veocità read audio and tone of voice acting on the sliders shown by the color green to blue for the speed and tone;

Now we can hear our message repeated by the computer by clicking the heading LAWS (Pink color).

now under tone and speed of reading hear about our PC and read the message written by us. A software

very nice, which can be used for various purposes, create audiobooks, or dub videos in youtube, or use it for many other purposes.

Conclusion: An excellent software

player entries to try free.

Download: Download Free Eloquens

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

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Khan Wars: Play Free browser game of military strategy

Khan Wars - Are you ready to rule the world of Khan Wars? Create your own medieval empire, choose from 9 different civilization, conquered the enemy territory and your name immortalized in history! Build your castle and equipped the army conducting military units 16; put to the test your strategy of attack and defense by comparing them with other players will battle for supremacy. Who will be the ruler of this online strategy game? The Khan wars is a browser game with free registration, without any installation.

Games -


Sports Player: Watch Free Streaming Football Match

if you love football free certainly appreciate the program Sport Player.

Sport Player, is a free program that allows watch football matches free p2p streaming , without spending a cent, while sitting in front of the monitor of your PC.

does not require subscription, and requires no installation of hardware applications such as external antennas, and various decoders, you only need a simple Internet connection (preferably DSL) and a PC.

Sport Player program is a unique and easy to use, we can see many matches, Champions League, Europe and many other events league football for free using the Internet and our trusty PC.

With its highly graphical interface will be able to connect intuitively easy to watch free football games of our favorite team.

Watch live sports online for free

How to Use Sports Player:

Once you download the program from the link at bottom of page, and initiated by 'graphical interface click on the tab UPDATE to download the list football events available.

Once you find that we are interested, just click on the link to open another window with all channels broadcasting free streaming the football game, click on any channel we get comfortable and beautiful to enjoy the game of choice

A process fast and easy without having to pay anything, and without having to install some device drivers to see the sporting event.

all thanks to Sport player and our Internet connection.


excellent program to watch football matches for free in Streaming

Download: Download Free Sport player