Monday, July 21, 2008
How Do I Get Rid Of Black Dots On Desmume
With the increasing propensity to play the Italians, to do business of gold are the state agencies and the dealership owned by De Agostini and Lottomatica ie.
instant lotteries (scratch cards), are the height of success than any other game. Lot
now lose millions of euro per year, mainly due to wickedness of some changes to the gioco più antico ( terza estrazione, lotto istantaneo, estratto determinato, raddoppio delle trattenute sulle vincite, ecc.). Il Totocalcio ormai defunto e appannaggio solo di qualche nostalgico appassionato. Il Superenalotto che, al pari del Lotto, sta lentamente agonizzando e, nonostante gli si sia cercato di ridipingere la “facciata”, resta il gioco più iniquo e con probabilità di vincita estremamente basse.
Ma il gratta e vinci non è mai stato così giocato, forse perché da l’impressione di essere un gioco equo ( cosa che di fatto non è), illudendo il giocatore con piccole vincite riscuotibili subito e con una grafica accattivante che ricorda i cartoni animati che nell’immaginario collettivo are considered harmless and innocent.
Scratchcards are the most destructive and alienating to exist, they are a real trap in which those who fall undergoes a sort of brainwashing and can not do without it.
trap for players, but "goose that lays the golden eggs" for those who manage them (AAMS - LOTTOMATICA).
Who played scratchcards has only two choices: Lottomatica play or not play at all. Lottomatica
courtesy of AAMS has the exclusive of scratch cards, has no competition and should not be measured with a pluralistic market, acting under a "monopoly" assuming a dominant position.
La mancanza di trasparenza è tipica dei regimi monopolistici, infatti non è dato di sapere secondo quali criteri vengono emessi i biglietti dei gratta e vinci; perché le percentuali di incasso variano per ogni tipo di gioco; con quali criteri vengono stabilite le probabilità di vincita; qual è la percentuale fissa destinata ai premi per i giocatori.
Tante domande e nessuna risposta o risposte vaghe e per nulla esaurienti.
L’unica cosa certa è che Lottomatica incassa il 12,70% sul prezzo lordo dei biglietti; percentuale che nel 2007 ha fruttato alla società ben 328 milioni di Euro.
Tutto questo alla faccia delle tanto decantate liberalizzazioni e del “gioco sicuro”.
Con questi presupposti and these figures it is easy to see why the historical games (Lotto, Superenalotto, Pools etc..), are left to die slowly. Scratchcards (and follow the slot), make a lot more at lower cost and power of attraction with a much higher figure. In 2007, the only positive signs, the entire games industry, were data from scratch and from the slot, all the other showed a negative sign, continuing the trend of 2006 and 2005.
In short these games, with their wickedness, but with a high power of "seduction," are "window dressing" that attract (by fraud), millions of people and spills them a great bunch of money in exchange for a sweetener in a while.
The lords of the "palace" and Lottomatica raking in plenty of money without risk and with little expense.
What's even more shameful is that the "theft" is legal: there are laws and provisions to endorse, all for the benefit of only two subjects: AAMS and Lottomatica and to the detriment of the entire community.
If you think that the justification for the third extraction, by AAMS, was that this will discourage people from playing big money on the laggards thus avoiding the creation of strong social harm for families on the facts we realize that in fact he was only going to move AAMS people's interest on the scratch (and slot), which have a higher yield with minimum investment. In the face of "socially useful"!
perplexing behavior of different consumer groups, those that occurred a few years ago were overwhelmingly against the slot (not yet under the "domain" of AAMS), infernal machines that were ruining families, inciting to suicide, those for which many fathers and mothers were stoned capital and sold homes (as they then expressed the various associations). Well, those same organizations where they are now? Why are silent in the face of the phenomenon of scratch cards and the same slot (now blessed by AAMS)?
Maybe they found some "interesting" hidden so now everything is fine?
It 'clear that with the scratch cards and slot receivers also have a nice gain, but gain that compensates the loss of historical games, for which the development of systems and methods of play could express their professionalism and their skills acquired through years of work.
The scratch cards and slots, however, reducing them to a professional mortify those miserable "exchange of money" and an equally miserable "sale of postcards" the counter. Work for which anyone would be appropriate and should not pay heavy taxes and several guarantees that go to fatten the already fat coffers of dealers.
Unfortunately, with morality and honesty are not intellectual prepares the plates and then one must inevitably be subject to the law of god experiencing money in his name, blackmail and harassment of any kind. The indifference and inertia forces them to rebel then turn away without even showing the slightest sign of disgust.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Why Does My Malawi Shake At
- the Council of Ministers appoints a AAMS Raffaele Ferri Director in place of Giorgio Tino
- Conference FIT, Risso: "Agreement with Sisal SuperEnalotto for those who do not have the Lot"
- AAMS: preparing the dramatic return of Antonio Tagliaferri as General Manager of the Games
- Scratch Cards Online: Market Growth with Lottomatica, always leading Microgame
- Betting: the Court of Bologna reopen a CTD Stanley
- Games, Giorgetti (Sottos. Economics): "Strategic combat illegal gambling, we will evaluate Agency Games"
- Games, box offices earlier this week: continue in the negative SuperEnalotto, still riding downhill
These are the arguments, the last month, processed in news
interesting topics dealing with the present and the future of most of the receivers.
Topics worthy of interest and study because it is a question of the survival of many activities, topics for which would be worth a debate, a confrontation, express an opinion.
· request payment scf
· Better poker!
· Mediaset Premium a rip-off?
· curiosità GeV numerati
· "Accordo con Sisal per il SuperEnalotto a chi non ha il
· Se e' vero che ci leggete allora.......ce ne...
Questi altri, invece, sono alcuni degli argomenti trattati ( nello stesso periodo), sul forum; con ben 7.155 consultazioni e 207 interventi.
Il tutto si commenta da se, non vale la pena aggiungere altro se non:
“L’Imbecillità è la mancanza della capacità di porsi domande e avere dubbi sui propri programmi di azione, di porli a confronto con quella degli altri e sottoporre anche questi ultimi a un vaglio critico, e quindi di persistere con tetra pertinacia a prendere per buone idee sballate, proprie o altrui.”
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Do Benign Tumors Eat Bone
Ricariche telefoniche: aggio 2% (circa)
Pagamento bollette: compenso €. 0,90
Bollo auto: compenso €.1,03
Sky: compenso €.0,78
Biglietti bus: compenso €. 0,90
Marche da bollo: Contributions 4% premium
Unified: 2.8% premium
Etc. These are the average earnings for most of the services found in tobacco. Some managed to Sisal, others by Lottomatica and Lis, of course, the amounts are gross and should be considered more in the various guarantees, fees, telephone charges etc..
Rather than "net friend" to be called "network jerk" and not do the usual speeches like, "but put all together in the end no money ....." or other things of the same type that have been heard until now to boredom and not wanting to say anything.
Take for example the stamps: the first is completing the form, mail is delivered and retired brands by paying the amount al netto dell'aggio del 5%.
Ora c'è "Lis printer", con la quale fai direttamente le marche e non hai problemi dei "tagli" che spesso in posta non erano disponibili. Una gran bella comodità! Con una piccola differenza: si paga il comodato d'uso della macchinetta, si paga la fidejussione e "dulcis in fundo", l'aggio è stato ridotto al 4%.
A sentire FIT quella della "Lis print" è stata una grande conquista sindacale.....certo! Per lei che con Ecomap incassa la maggior parte delle fidejussioni e poi, la svendita dell'1% di aggio l'ha fatta gratis? Credo propio di no!
E le ricariche telefoniche? Vi ricordate lo sciopero indetto da FIT per le ricariche Wind? Che esito ha avuto? Naturalmente nessuno: Wind, however, has reduced the fees for tobacco and then, later, they did all the other telephone operators, and the FIT did not say anything ..... he kept silent for free? Propio I think not! And
safety campaigns? Even in this conference dealt with the subject, what he got? The agreement with the alarm Beghelli and contribution to the surveillance.
But when a criminal comes in tobacco armed, and maybe we will run away the dead (as has already happened), what are the cameras? To try to identify the criminal, but meanwhile the tobacconist died ..... live ..... the cameras!
And if the tobacco is attacked in the street, maybe while you are going bank or the post office to pay the surety or the Bulletin of the lifting of tobacco, which are used to the cameras or alarm Beghelli?
For years the tobacco claim the item at no cost, no charge for commission that would be more miserable altimenti offer compensation for services. On this
FIT can not hear (or pretend), trouble speaking because of cost ..... if you do not dunk the biscuit FIT does not move.
Now it is proposed to collect the pension on tobacco .... well the flow of cash increases by the happiness of the various criminals who will find the tobacco even more "attractive" and what they invent FIT? The security guard in front of tobacco shops? Or other crap of that kind?
qesto is the union that would protect the tobacco! The union that has hands-on with all operators in the transport of tobacco ecc.ecc.ecc.
"But tobacconists have the exclusive sale of tobacco and this is due to FIT" Of course! otherwise would not exist tobacconists and FIT would no longer reason to exist and what other "friendly network" would be milked? If the offer was adequate
FIT would not hesitate one minute to sell out well in the face of Tobacco sclusiva! As you turn round and round
FIT earns us always and certainly not 20 cents or 2%, but all thanks to multi-million "net friend"!